I have the following service interface:

public interface IGrantApplicationService
   IEnumerable<T> GetAll();

Here is my implementation of the interface:

public class GrantApplicationService : IGrantApplicationService
   public IEnumerable<GrantApplication> GetAll()
      // Code here

   public EditGrantApplicationViewModel CreateEditGrantApplicationViewModel()
      // Code here

My controller:

public class GrantApplicationController : Controller
   private IGrantApplicationService grantApplicationService;

   public GrantApplicationController(IGrantApplicationService grantApplicationService)
      this.grantApplicationService = grantApplicationService;

   public ActionResult Create()
      // I am trying to create my view model like this and populate it with data
      EditGrantApplicationViewModel viewModel = grantApplicationService.CreateEditGrantApplicationViewModel();

      return View(viewModel);

Please see in my Create method, I am trying to create my view model through the service, but when I click . then there doesn't seem to be an option to select CreateEditGrantApplicationViewModel, only GetAll is there. Why is this? I have all the correct references.

2 Answers 2


You need to define

EditGrantApplicationViewModel CreateEditGrantApplicationViewModel();

on your IGrantApplicationService interface.

At the moment the controller only knows about what is on the interface not the class.

  • I do inject a GrantApplicationService instance. Apr 8, 2011 at 10:21
  • But your definition only has the FindAll() method - the compiler doesn't know what implementation of that interface will be passed in at compile-time. You'd have to invoke the method via reflection (which would be an anti-pattern in this circumstance) Apr 8, 2011 at 10:27

Your grantApplicationService field is declared as IGrantApplicationService but your method CreateEditGrantApplicationViewModel is not in the interface. Just add CreateEditGrantApplicationViewModel in the interface and you'll be fine.

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