I need to understand the difference between ansible's remote_user & become_user considering that the play will either run locally or remotely.

Difference between:

- hosts: all
  become: yes
  become_user: user1

- hosts: all
  remote_user: user1

Will there be any difference incase ssh keys are setup between the servers ?

I tried to google for the differences but did not find any good explanation for the same.

2 Answers 2


Q: "Will there be any difference in case SSH keys are set up between the servers?"

A: There will be no difference in privilege between

- hosts: all
  become: yes
  become_user: user1


- hosts: all
  remote_user: user1
  become: no

There might be a difference in the environment set for user1 between:

  • privilege escalation, e.g. sudo user1 and
  • ssh connection to user1@host.


  • The best practice is not to allow ssh to root
  • In most cases, become_user is root (this is also default)
  • In most cases, two steps are needed:
    1. Connect to remote_user@host and
    2. Escalate privilege to root (become: yes).
  • See Risks of becoming an unprivileged user.
  • The become_user means the user that will execute the playbook, and the remote user will execute it on the remote servers.

  • become: yes which will do a sudo to root automatically by default. But then you told it the remote_user: deployer which told the server that the user logging in is deployer and after they log in do the default sudo.

There are stable differences:

  • become:yes = . Use sudo and be root by default
  • become_user: user1 = Using sudo from become:yes and becoming user user1.
  • remote_user: user1 = Log in as foofoo on that remote server.

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