Here is another approach which extracts the desired array index from the card type
and then assign it into a new column. We can achieve that by utilizing Spark functions array
and array_position
introduced in Spark 2.4:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{array_position, array, udf, lit}
val cardTypes = Seq("Distinguish", "Vista", "ColonialVoice", "SuperiorCard")
val df = Seq(
array_position(array( => lit(t)):_*), $"card_type"))
// +-------------+
// | card_type|
// +-------------+
// | Distinguish|
// | Vista|
// |ColonialVoice|
// | SuperiorCard|
// +-------------+
First we create an array from content of cardType Seq with array( => lit(t)):_*)
then extract and assign the index of the current card_type into a new column card_indx. Finally we order by card_indx.
For Spark < 2.4.0 array_position is not available and you can use an udf:
val getTypesIndx = udf((types: Seq[String], cardt: String) => cardTypes.indexOf(cardt))
df.withColumn("card_indx", getTypesIndx(array( => lit(t)):_*), $"card_type"))