I'm developing a small painter-like application. I'd like my application to have a feature which would allow user to draw points and then connect them with lines in the order in which the points were drawn. I also want my points to be drawn above the lines. Here's how i'm trying to achieve this:

 void ImageViewer::on_linesAct_triggered()
    QPainter paint(objectpix);
    QPen LinePen (QColor(255-pointcolor[currentset-1].red(),255-pointcolor[currentset-1].green(),255-pointcolor[currentset-1].blue()));

    for(int i=0;i<count[currentset-1]-1;i++)
        QPoint p1(static_cast<int>(round(tableX[i][currentset-1])),static_cast<int>(round(tableY[i][currentset-1])));
        QPoint p2(static_cast<int>(round(tableX[i+1][currentset-1])), static_cast<int>(round(tableY[i+1][currentset-1])));


It works as intended except the fact that colors of lines and points kinda merge(not sure on nomenclature) together. The picture down below llustrates the problem. enter image description here Any idea on possible solution?

  • 1
    I can not repeat the problem and I think your code is incomplete because you have LinePen.setWidth(5) and paint.drawEllipse(p1,2,2), so why your ellipses bigger than line? I suggest you draw ellipses 2 times: 1 bigger ellipse bellow and 1 above. May 14, 2019 at 7:42
  • @Serhiy Kulish you are right, ellipses i used to draw above old ones were too smal to cover old ones. I changed the width of pen and it solved my problem. Thank you
    – George
    May 14, 2019 at 8:07

2 Answers 2


If you consider the list of points [A, B, C, D] and your code:

  • Iteration 1: p1 = A, p2 = B

    • Draw line between A and B
    • Draw ellipse at A and B
  • Iteration 2: p1 = B, p2 = C

    • Draw line between B and C <-- Will draw above the ellipse at B
    • Draw ellipse at B and C <-- Will re-draw the ellipse at B
  • Iteration 3: p1 = C, p2 = D

    • Draw line between C and D <-- Will draw above the ellipse at C
    • Draw ellipse at C and D <-- Will re-draw the ellipse at C

You are drawing your ellipses twice with a the start of line between them. What you can see is the artifacts due to the aliasing (as mentionned in the other answer) and the first ellipse drawn below the second line.

The easiest way to achieve that is to use two loops:

class MyWidget: public QWidget
    MyWidget(): QWidget()
    virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent* ev) override
        QVector<QPoint> pointcolor;
        pointcolor << QPoint(10, 12) << QPoint(40, 60) << QPoint(70, 20) << QPoint(100, 100);
        QPainter paint(this);
        QPen LinePen (Qt::red);

        for(int i = 1;i != pointcolor.length();++i)
            QPoint p1 = pointcolor.at(i - 1);
            QPoint p2 = pointcolor.at(i);

        // Draw the points above the lines
        for(QPoint const& point: pointcolor)
  • I solved my problem with help of @Serhiy Kulish, but i'll mark your post as an answer, it might be useful to others.
    – George
    May 14, 2019 at 8:16

I think you could try to set a rendering hint to the painter, using QPainter::setRenderHint, something like:

QPainter paint(objectpix);

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