I wrote some code that performs gradient descent on a couple of data points. For some reason the curve is not converging correctly, but I have no idea why that is. I always end up with an exploding tail.

Am I doing one of the computations wrong? Am I actually getting stuck in a local minimum or is it something else?

Here is my code:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def estimate(weights, x, order):
    est = 0
    for i in range(order):
        est += weights[i] * x ** i
    return est

def cost_function(x, y, weights, m):
    cost = 0
    for i in range(m-1):
        cost += (((weights[i] * x ** i) - y) ** 2)
    return (np.sum(cost ** 2) / ( 2 * m ))

def descent(A, b, iterations, descent_rate, order):
    x = A.T[0]
    y = b.reshape(4)

    # features
    ones = np.vstack(np.ones(len(A)))
    x = np.vstack(A.T[0])
    x2 = np.vstack(A.T[0] ** 2)

    # Our feature matrix
    features = np.concatenate((ones,x,x2), axis = 1).T
    # Initialize our coefficients to zero
    weights = np.zeros(order + 1)
    m = len(y)

    # gradient descent
    for i in range(iterations):
        est = estimate(weights, x, order).T
        difference = est - y
        weights = weights + (-descent_rate * (1/m) * np.matmul(difference, features.T)[0])
        cost = cost_function(x, y, weights, m)

    u = np.linspace(0,3,100)
    plt.plot(u, (u ** 2) * weights[2] + u  * weights[1] + weights[0], '-')

A = np.array(((0,1),

b = np.array((1,2,0,3), ndmin = 2 ).T

iterations = 150
descent_rate = 0.01
order = 2
descent(A, b, iterations, descent_rate, order)

I would like to avoid getting stuck in such a minimum. I have attempted setting the initial weights to random values but to no avail, sometimes it dips a bit more but then gives me the same behaviour again.

Here is the one of the plots that I am getting: enter image description here

And here is the expected result obtained by a least squares solution:

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


Your estimate function should be

def estimate(weights, x, order):
    est = 0
    for i in range(order+1):
        est += weights[i] * x ** i
    return est

Better yet, since the order information is already present in the size of the weights vector, remove the redundancy with:

def estimate(weights, x):
    est = 0
    for i in range(len(weights)):
        est += weights[i] * x ** i
    return est

This is what I got when using your code and running 2000 iterations: enter image description here

  • Thank you so much! You probably saved me hours of frustration tomorrow morning :D Final weights [ 1.4 -1.1 0.5] it gives me the same as when using numpy's polyfit function. Also, out of curiosity, how were you able to find the error so quickly?/ May 19, 2019 at 17:08
  • 1
    Glad to know! There's no trick. I've probably made most mistakes I could possibly make in code like that. With time spotting issues becomes automatic.
    – foglerit
    May 19, 2019 at 17:11

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