On the question, How is file implemented? I learned how open() method is implemented, but I cannot find where the _PyIO_str_readline function used on its implemented is defined.

  1. https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/object.html
  2. https://github.com/python/cpython/search?q=_PyIO_str_readline

1 Answer 1


Your problem is that you think, _PyIO_str_readline is a function, but actually it is just a global variable (of type PyObject *), which is declared here:

extern PyObject *_PyIO_str_readline;

and defined here:

PyObject *_PyIO_str_readline = NULL;

to be NULL, but as name suggest could by any string-object (i.e. unicode in Python3 or bytes in Python2).

_PyIO_str_readline is a kind of a cache (often referenced as "interned string" in CPython - see PyUnicode_InternFromString), so every time PyObject_CallMethodObjArgs is called with "readline" as method-name, the corresponding object must not be constructed anew.

_PyIO_str_readline is initialized in PyInit__io to its actual value, using macro ADD_INTERNED:

/* Interned strings */
#define ADD_INTERNED(name) \
  if (!_PyIO_str_ ## name && \
      !(_PyIO_str_ ## name = PyUnicode_InternFromString(# name))) \
      goto fail;


i.e. _PyIO_str_readline is an unicode-object with value readline. Which readline-method is actually used, is resolved during the run time and depends on what self actually is.

  • Do you know where this variable is initialized with some value? Searching all source code, the variable is assigned nowhere. May 22, 2019 at 2:24
  • @user I have added more info concerning it.
    – ead
    May 22, 2019 at 4:33

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