While running my python selenium script for firefox browser; I encountered an issue saying

Your connection is not secure

It is not allowing me to Add exception and blocked

Confirm Security Exception

as well (even with preferences manually). hence i am trying to add profiles like "webdriver_accept_untrusted_certs", "webdriver_accept_untrusted_certs" but nothing is helping me out. Not sure how to tackle this...

I need some help here

Currently using the following... Python 3.4.4 selenium==3.4.1 linux 32 bit Firefox 60.6.1esr (32-bit) Everything seems to be compatible, so no issue here.

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import     DesiredCapabilities

cap = DesiredCapabilities().FIREFOX
profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()
profile.set_preference("webdriver_assume_untrusted_issuer", False)
browser = webdriver.Firefox(capabilities=cap,firefox_profile=profile)
browser.get('my url')


from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import     DesiredCapabilities

cap = DesiredCapabilities().FIREFOX
profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()
profile.set_preference("webdriver_accept_untrusted_certs", True)
browser = webdriver.Firefox(capabilities=cap,firefox_profile=profile)
browser.get('my url')

I want to get rid of the "Your Connection is not secure"


1 Answer 1


For FireFox you can use:

from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities

desired_caps = DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX.copy()
desired_caps.update({'acceptInsecureCerts': True, 'acceptSslCerts': True})
driver = webdriver.Firefox(capabilities=self.desired_caps)

For Chrome:

from selenium import webdriver

options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)
  • 1
    no working with ChromeDriverManager().install()
    – myworldbox
    Commented May 9, 2021 at 9:38
  • @myworldbox in order for us to help you please provide more details. How did you start your chrome instance? Commented May 9, 2021 at 20:43
  • The real solution should be don’t register a email with a common phone number and enable less security app to be executed.
    – myworldbox
    Commented May 11, 2021 at 0:47

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