
So i have a working function but its still going when i have 0 skill points http://prntscr.com/ns4tfx http://prntscr.com/ns4tld http://prntscr.com/ns4tse as you can see it keeps going up. it shouldn't do anything if skillpoints is at 0

I've tried messing around with if statements to fix it but no luck

Here's my Javascript code:

function HitPointsup(){
    if (SkillPoints>0 && rebirths >=1)  
        SkillPoints = SkillPoints - 1;
        HitPoints = HitPoints + 10;
        document.getElementById('SkillPoints').innerHTML = SkillPoints;
        document.getElementById("HitPoints").innerHTML = HitPoints;

Here's my html code:

 Skill Tree &nbsp; &nbsp; SP:<span id="SkillPoints1">0</span>
                <br />
                <br />
                <button id="HitPointsup" onclick="HitPointsup()">Hp 
up</button> &nbsp; <button id="SkillPoints2" onclick="Mp up()">Mp 
                <br />
                <button id="SkillPoints3" onclick="Hp regen()">Hp 

I expect the hp up button to only work when i have skill points to spend ( i thought putting if(SkillPoints >0) would be enough). my acual results is you can keep pressing the button and hp keeps going up by 10. skill points stay at 0 tho no negative numbers there.

  • This is part of the basic rules in html: 2 elements can not have the same identifier. Here you have 3 times (id = "SkillPoints"); do not be surprised if the behavior of the page is out of control then ! May 23, 2019 at 2:30
  • i mean my code works fine that wasn't a issue. i changed it now. i was going through each of those and making a function. those 2-3 where the ones i had left. i just want my hp to stop increaseing so it makes sense in a upgrade system. it shouldn't increase when u have 0 skill points May 23, 2019 at 2:37
  • onclick="Mp up()" and onclick="Hp regen()" is also bad, if you expect good answers, you must post correct information May 23, 2019 at 2:45
  • i didn't make those functions yet so those buttons dont work on purpose. Im not a professional at html or javascript im just starting up. how was i supose to know its correct to have no space's sorry ;/ the main point of the post was to post the one line showing my HitPointsup format May 23, 2019 at 2:49
  • So you think we do not have to read what you post to understand what you are looking for? May 23, 2019 at 2:52

1 Answer 1


You are making a 'single line if', that means that only the first line below the if (SkillPoints>0 && rebirths >=1) is being verified. The other values are getting updated as-well. Try to user brackets like:

function HitPointsup(){
    if (SkillPoints>0 && rebirths >=1){  
        SkillPoints = SkillPoints - 1;
        HitPoints = HitPoints + 10;
    document.getElementById('SkillPoints').innerHTML = SkillPoints;
    document.getElementById("HitPoints").innerHTML = HitPoints;
  • o wow thanks. i had no idea brackets were that important that makes a lot of sense thanks for clarification. May 23, 2019 at 2:51
  • I'm glad it works. Can you please mark as the correct answer? May 23, 2019 at 2:52
  • sorry new at this May 23, 2019 at 2:58
  • thanks. Ive posted my htm stuff plenty of times. i basically copy pasted first line to make a lot of buttons then orginized them how i wanted them then changed the onclicks / what text was on the button. i really didnt think the id was important if my program works fine and i wasnt useing those buttons. now im working on the hp and mana regen buttons. i need to go back through and check correct answer May 23, 2019 at 3:00

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