I have used TF since 0.6 and actively use many different versions on my workstation. I do this with direnv [https://direnv.net/] since that was available for quite a while, and it works well for managing the TF binary version within a dir, plus it allows me to pass env vars per dir into TF with little hassle.
Sample .envrc:
export AWS_PROFILE=prod
export PATH=/usr/local/terraform/terraform-0.12.20:$PATH
export TF_VAR_dd_api_key=REDACTED
export TF_VAR_dd_app_key=REDACTED
When I cd into the dir containing this .envrc, not only does it put the correct TF binary in my PATH, it also sets my AWS profile and in this case some DataDog API keys.
When I want to upgrade TF, I ensure I have the desired binary placed into the correct location and edit the .envrc so it is in PATH. Ideally, the .envrc is not pushed to Github since other people could have different setups, and especially API keys should not go into the repo.
I know it's a little old fashioned but it works great for me.