I migrated my application to laravel 5.7.When installing the packages in the composer.json i upgraded from "maatwebsite/excel:~2.1.0" to "maatwebsite/excel": "^3.1".So now my export function does not work anymore.I tried to follow the upgrade in https://docs.laravel-excel.com/3.1 but didn't work for me.this is the old code that used to work in the old version:
$claim = Claim::all();
$count = Claim::count();
$name = 'Liste réclamations '.date('d-m-Y H-i');
Excel::create($name, function($excel) use($claim, $count) {
$excel->sheet('Sheetname', function($sheet) use($claim, $count) {
$i = 2;
$rows = $count;
$sheet->setHeight(1, 25);
$sheet->setBorder('A1:AH'.$rows, 'thin');
$sheet->row(1, array(
'Groupe oiseaux',
"Type de braconnage",
"Type de l'espèce",
"Nom de l'espèce",
"Autre info de l'espèce",
"Description de l'oiseau",
"Le nombre d'oiseau",
"Le nombre d'oiseaux mis en vente",
"Prix de vente",
"Lieu de la vente",
"Nombre d'oiseaux détenus",
"Interdiction de la chasse",
"Présence des forces de l'ordre",
"Contact des autorités compétentes",
'Liste des autorités compétentes',
"Intervention immédiate",
"Type d'intervention",
"L'objectif de la détention",
"Autre objectif",
"Indications sur l'état de l'oiseau",
"Autre indication",
"Lieu de l'infraction",
"Gouvernorat de l'infraction",
"Date de l'infraction",
"L'heure de l'infraction",
"Description de l'infraction",
"Date de création"
))->cells('A1:AH1', function($cells) {
'family' => 'Calibri',
'size' => '12',
'bold' => true
foreach ($claim as $key => $claim) {
$braconnage = '';
$contact= '' ;
$braconnage_link = Claimtypelink::where('claim_id',$claim->id)->with('claimbrac')->get();
$contact_link = Claimcontactlink::where('claim_id',$claim->id)->with('claimcontactaut')->get();
foreach ($braconnage_link as $key => $value) {
$braconnage = $braconnage.$value->claimbrac['title_fr'].' | ';
foreach ($contact_link as $key => $value) {
$contact = $contact.$value->claimcontactaut['title_fr'].' | ';
$sheet->row($i, array(