I'm trying to set a Listbox from a txt file. I read the file and populate a list, then I want to display it in the listbox, but I have no Datasource option available (only DataContext and DataContextChanged).

My Listbox is declared in XAML :

    <ListBox Name="ScriptList"  
        Margin="2" />

Any idea why ?

Also, is it the right way to proceed (read file ->

  • 1
    Ok nevermind, i've used ItemsSource and it works. I tried Datasource from an example on another question here..
    – ack__
    Commented Apr 12, 2011 at 5:43

2 Answers 2


i've used ItemsSource and it works.


I was able to do this:

listbox.ItemSource = previous DataSource

listbox.DisplayMemberPath = previous ValueMember

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