I am using java and struts. I have a scenario where there is 'Download' link in the page. After clicking on this link the control goes to the Action class, where I have String content which I need to write to a .txt file and then download that txt file.

Eventually whenever we click on the download link, we should be able to download a txt file having content a particular string.

I used below piece of code,

FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(fileNameWithDirectory);
ActionForward forward = new ActionForward("doc/" + filename);
return forward;

Also I tried with FileWriter in place of FileOutputStream like,

FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(fileNameWithDirectory);

But always instead of downloading the txt file, the control opens a new window where the String content is written. Please suggest me, how would I able to download that .txt file.

  • What are you using on your server? Servlets?
    – f1sh
    May 29, 2019 at 9:41

3 Answers 3


You should add Content-Disposition: attachment to say browser, that it should download the file, not to open it.

See more details here

Also Struts has DownloadAction, you may use it as well.

  • Content-Disposition: attachment is working and I got download option, but after downloading the .txt file, No content is written there, it's downloading Blank.
    – Jerry
    May 29, 2019 at 11:29
  • @Prosenjit could you update your question with changed code?
    – DDovzhenko
    May 29, 2019 at 11:35

You don't need to write the file and then redirect to it. You can set a http response header called Content-Disposition and then print your data into the http response body.

use it like this

response.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\""+filename+"\"");

of course this depends on which technology stack you're using.

  • Content-Disposition: attachment is working and I got download option, but after downloading the .txt file, No content is written there, it's downloading Blank.
    – Jerry
    May 29, 2019 at 11:29
  • What code are you using to write the content to the http response body?
    – f1sh
    May 29, 2019 at 12:01

Convert your text file to stream. and set content type as you wanted to download. response.setContentType("application/pdf");

try {
      // get your file as InputStream
      InputStream is = ...;

      // copy it to response's OutputStream
      org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils.copy(is, convertedTextFiletoStream);

    } catch (IOException ex) {
      log.info("Error writing file to output stream. Filename was '{}'", fileName, ex);
      throw new RuntimeException("IOError writing file to output stream");

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