n= int(input())
for i in range(n+1):
    def f(x):

        if i<=1:

        elif i>1:
            f(i-1) + f(i-2)
  • 1
    I think you have some things confused here. You are defining a function n + 1 times inside the loop with def f(x): but never call it. This looks like you are trying to use a recursive and iterative approach together.
    – Mark
    Jun 2, 2019 at 22:35
  • You have no base case and you have defined a function inside a loop. Does this even run?
    – Mitch
    Jun 2, 2019 at 22:38
  • isn't the function called after the if and elif statement? Jun 2, 2019 at 22:39
  • 2
    @BhavikRoopchandani Not in the code you are showing. There is no f(n) being called anywhere. And even then your function is missing a return statement Jun 2, 2019 at 22:41

1 Answer 1


You need to define your fibonacci function before, like this :

def f(x):
    if(x <= 1):
        return x
        return (f(x - 2)+ f(x - 1))
n = int(input())
  • 1
    Could shorten this to if x <= 1: return x. Also would avoid the infinite recursion of something like f(-1)
    – Mitch
    Jun 2, 2019 at 22:46
  • Should be <=, =< is not valid syntax
    – Mitch
    Jun 2, 2019 at 22:48

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