I have users that report what dates they are free in a Google form, and want to move the answers into a sheet that's easier to read so I can organize them.

I've searched everywhere - but so far I can't find anyone having this complexity in their formulas. I've tried anything I could come up with myself, but I found it too hard.

This is the answer sheet:


and this is the data sheet:


LINK TO THE EXAMPLE SHEET (I've enabled comments): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1p2CdP9mNW1nA8kWgwPoCfieNzFe4Br6KSR5d4zuyLxw/edit?usp=sharing

Now I want the datasheet to separate all the dates from the Answers sheet into TRUE or FALSE for each date.

Example: John has marked that he's not available for work at 03.07, and the result shows in Answers!D2. I want Data!B6 to return TRUE.

I want all the names in Data! to reflect what they answered in Answers!, just in separate cells.

I imagine a formula that does the following:

  1. Match the name in Data!(current row):A with Answers!A:A

  2. Search the name-matched row in Answers! for any cells matching values from Data!(current column):2

  3. Return TRUE or FALSE based on the existence of the value in any of the answers.

I have twisted my head over this on and off for several months now, but It's proving to be too complex for me. Any help is greatly appreciated :)

2 Answers 2


paste in B3 cell and drag down:

 IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A3; Answers!A$2:E; {4; 5}; 0))); ",")); 1; 0))<>""; TRUE))




Please try, in B3 and copied across and down:


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