Read JSON response

1) When I visit this URL 'http:example.com/fruits', it hits an endpoint 'http:example.com/v1/collections/fruits' and I see JSON in the browser network response:






2) I want to pick up the first title - Apple and pass it to a selector and click on it

  • 1
    What exactly do you mean with 'pass it to a selector and click on it'? Commented Jun 12, 2019 at 13:33
  • @Brainfeeder identify the correct selector with the title and then instruct testcafe to click on said selector
    – lostlemon
    Commented Jun 12, 2019 at 14:39
  • Ah yes the answer and the examples in testcafe docs should do for OP then..? Commented Jun 12, 2019 at 15:19

2 Answers 2


In your app, you can create 'GET' method, like:

fetch('http:example.com/v1/collections/fruits', {
  method: 'GET'
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
  console.log(data.rows[0]['title']) // should return 'Apple'
.catch(error => console.error(error))

And after that, you can pass it to your selector.


You could also use RequestHook to obtain this information.

This could live in a helper file

import { RequestHook } from 'testcafe';

export default class MyRequestHook extends RequestHook {
    constructor (requestFilterRules, responseEventConfigureOpts,ObjToReturn) {
        super(requestFilterRules, responseEventConfigureOpts);
        this.ObjToReturn = ObjToReturn;
    onRequest (event) {
        if(event.isAjax) {
    onResponse (event) {
        this.ObjToReturn = JSON.parse(event.body.toString());

Then, this would be in your main test file:

import { Selector } from 'testcafe';
import MyRquestHook from './MyHTTPRequestFile';

let getReponse = {};
const hookConfigOptions = {
    logResponseBody: true,
    stringifyResponseBody: true,
    includeHeaders: true,
    includeBody: true

let getFruits = new MyRequestHook({url:'http://example.com/fruits', method: 'get'},hookConfigOptions,getResponse);

fixture `Name Of test`

test('Do something with response', async t => {
    //do something with the response object
    console.log("Response Data: " + getFruits.rows[0]['title']

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