I have a below json data:

    "images": [
            "candidates": [
                    "confidence": 0.80836,
                    "enrollment_timestamp": "20190613123728",
                    "face_id": "871b7d6e8bb6439a827",
                    "subject_id": "1"
            "transaction": {
                "confidence": 0.80836,
                "enrollment_timestamp": "20190613123728",
                "eyeDistance": 111,
                "face_id": "871b7d6e8bb6439a827",
                "gallery_name": "development",
                "height": 325,
                "pitch": 8,
                "quality": -4,
                "roll": 3,
                "status": "success",
                "subject_id": "1",
                "topLeftX": 21,
                "topLeftY": 36,
                "width": 263,
                "yaw": -34

I need to check if subject_id is present in the above json data or not. For this I did below:

auto subjectIdIter = response.find("subject_id");
if (subjectIdIter != response.end())
    cout << "it is found" << endl;

    cout << "not found " << endl;

How can I resolve this. Thanks

3 Answers 3


There is a member function contains that returns a bool indicating whether a given key exists in the JSON value.

Instead of

auto subjectIdIter = response.find("subject_id");
if (subjectIdIter != response.end())
    cout << "it is found" << endl;

    cout << "not found " << endl;

You could write:

if (response.contains("subject_id"))
    cout << "it is found" << endl;
    cout << "not found " << endl;
  • 1
    This comment is the most up-to-date answer.
    – BFamz
    Commented Jan 14, 2021 at 7:41
  • It did not work for me. No member named contains
    – vijayst
    Commented Nov 4, 2022 at 16:59
  • Then you are using a very old version. Commented Nov 5, 2022 at 17:16

use find including images and candidates and check:

if (response["images"]["candidates"].find("subject_id") != 

Candidates is an array, so you just need to iterate the objects and call find.

bool found = false;
for( auto c: response.at("images").at("candidates") ) {
    if( c.find("subject_id") != c.end() ) {
        found = true;

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