I have a below json data:
"images": [
"candidates": [
"confidence": 0.80836,
"enrollment_timestamp": "20190613123728",
"face_id": "871b7d6e8bb6439a827",
"subject_id": "1"
"transaction": {
"confidence": 0.80836,
"enrollment_timestamp": "20190613123728",
"eyeDistance": 111,
"face_id": "871b7d6e8bb6439a827",
"gallery_name": "development",
"height": 325,
"pitch": 8,
"quality": -4,
"roll": 3,
"status": "success",
"subject_id": "1",
"topLeftX": 21,
"topLeftY": 36,
"width": 263,
"yaw": -34
I need to check if subject_id
is present in the above json data or not. For this I did below:
auto subjectIdIter = response.find("subject_id");
if (subjectIdIter != response.end())
cout << "it is found" << endl;
cout << "not found " << endl;
How can I resolve this. Thanks