Can I search a character list for a string where I don't know how the string is cased? Or more generally, I'm trying to reference a column in a dataframe, but I don't know exactly how the columns are cased. My thought was to search names(myDataFrame) in a case-insensitive manner to return the proper casing of the column.

7 Answers 7


I would suggest the grep() function and some of its additional arguments that make it a pleasure to use.


without the argument value=TRUE you will only get a vector of index positions where the match occurred.


Assuming that there are no variable names which differ only in case, you can search your all-lowercase variable name in tolower(names(myDataFrame)):

match("b", tolower(c("A","B","C")))
[1] 2

This will produce only exact matches, but that is probably desirable in this case.

  • The searchable package which allows you to turn on case-insensitive matching.
    – ctbrown
    Commented Mar 21, 2017 at 10:12

With the stringr package, you can modify the pattern with one of the built in modifier functions (see `?modifiers). For example since we are matching a fixed string (no special regular expression characters) but want to ignore case, we can do

str_detect(colnames(iris), fixed("species", ignore_case=TRUE))

Or you can use the (?i) case insensitive modifier

str_detect(colnames(iris), "(?i)species")
  • 2
    Also all modifiers from ?stringr::modifiers have ignore.case as the 2nd argument so here for example you can type str_detect(colnames(iris), fixed("species",ignore_case=TRUE)) Commented Jun 14, 2018 at 23:57
  • 1
    I looked into stringr' s doc and didn't find this behavior documented, where did you get this from ? Commented Jun 15, 2018 at 15:55
  • 1
    These are fairly standard regular expression modifiers: regular-expressions.info/modifiers.html
    – MrFlick
    Commented Jun 15, 2018 at 15:58
  • yes but grepl doesn't seem to support them so I assumed it was coded into stringr or stringi Commented Jun 15, 2018 at 16:19
  • 7
    grepl does with perl=TRUE: grepl("(?i)species", colnames(iris), perl=TRUE)
    – MrFlick
    Commented Jun 15, 2018 at 16:20

For anyone using this with %in%, simply use tolower on the right (or both) sides, like so:

"b" %in% c("a", "B", "c")
# [1] FALSE

tolower("b") %in% tolower(c("a", "B", "c"))
# [1] TRUE

The searchable package was created for allowing for various types of searching within objects:

l <- list( a=1, b=2, c=3 )
sl <- searchable(l)        # make the list "searchable"
sl <- ignore.case(sl)      # turn on case insensitivity

> sl['B']
[1] 2

It works with lists and vectors and does a lot more than simple case-insensitive matching.


If you want to search for one set of strings in another set of strings, case insensitively, you could try:

s1 = c("a", "b")
s2 = c("B", "C")
matches = s1[ toupper(s1) %in% toupper(s2) ]

Another way of achieving this is to use str_which(string, pattern) from the stringr package:

str_which(string = tolower(colnames(iris)), pattern = "species")

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