We have a Rails 4.2 app running on an Oracle backend, with memcached/Dalli as the cache store.

QueryCache does not seem to be working for repeated SQL within the same request. Per the documentation:

Query caching is a Rails feature that caches the result set returned by each query. If Rails encounters the same query again for that request, it will use the cached result set as opposed to running the query against the database again.

Configuration in application/production.rb sets the cache store to Dalli, and toggles query_cache to true within production:

application.rb: config.cache_store  = :dalli_store, 'localhost:11211', { namespace: 'BASE', down_retry_delay: 120 }

environments/production.rb:  config.action_controller.perform_caching = true

Running memcached in verbose mode, I can see all the fetches and sets and misses from our explicit low level caching (ie Rails.cache.set), but no evidence of any query caching. (Though I'm not 100% sure if the query cache should reach memcached or if it's just held in memory for the duration of the request). Given I can see other caching activity within memcached, I'm fairly sure the connection/setup between memcached and the rails is OK.

I believe it is not being cached for two reasons:

  1. No selects with the production log (in debug mode) show the CACHE prefix - just identical SELECT's with ever-so-slightly differing XX.XXms timestamps; and,
  2. Enabling database auditing with Oracle shows dozens of identical SELECTS per request (ie identical SELECT query conditions with the same case and same bind parameters)

One suggestion I have seen is to look at the Middleware to confirm that QueryCache is present, which it seems to be:

dave@test:~/code/app1$ rake middleware
use #<ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache::Middleware>
use ActiveRecord::QueryCache

Another suggestion was to check (and set) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.query_cache_enabled explicitely. I have put that in a before_filter for the method I'm currently trying to optimise, and it reports itself as being enabled, but still no caching:

  def enable_qcache
     logger.error "IS CACHE ENABLED:  #{ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.query_cache_enabled}"

   production.log: IS CACHE ENABLED:  true

Here is an example of the identical selects within the same request from the log:

  Policy Load (12.2ms)  SELECT * FROM (SELECT  "POLICY".* FROM "POLICY" WHERE "POLICY"."POLICY_ID" = :a1  ORDER BY policy_original_number DESC, policy_id DESC ) WHERE ROWNUM <= 1  [["policy_id", 459723071]]
  Policy Load (11.5ms)  SELECT * FROM (SELECT  "POLICY".* FROM "POLICY" WHERE "POLICY"."POLICY_ID" = :a1  ORDER BY policy_original_number DESC, policy_id DESC ) WHERE ROWNUM <= 1  [["policy_id", 459723071]]
  Policy Load (9.0ms)   SELECT * FROM (SELECT  "POLICY".* FROM "POLICY" WHERE "POLICY"."POLICY_ID" = :a1  ORDER BY policy_original_number DESC, policy_id DESC ) WHERE ROWNUM <= 1  [["policy_id", 459723071]]
  • If I'm not mistaken, query caching is implemented at the database connection level, 'config.cache_store` has nothing to do with it. Try switching your application to a supported adapter (eg. Postgres) to confirm whether your Oracle adapter is caching queries properly.
    – fylooi
    Jul 8, 2019 at 9:01
  • Unfortunately we can't even start the app up outside of oracle due to the rails front end being a retro-fit over a 20 year old legacy rails app - there are too many dependencies on the database code. I have since found this: github.com/rails/rails/issues/17921 which I think rules out Query Cache entirely for us - we bounce the connection around between multiple schemas on a per customer basis. (Cause of expensive oracle licensing costs) Jul 8, 2019 at 22:52


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