I have an iOS application I am analyzing/reverse engineering. There is a function I want to intercept with Frida. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem but the function is called at or soon after the app is launched so there is no time for Frida to attach before the function is called.

I am working on an iPhone 5 which is a 32-bit armv7 device. Unfortunately apparently launching applications is broken for Frida on armv7.

Therefore, I tried a long shot that was unsuccessful. I wrote a dylib that swizzles the target method. In the swizzled implementation, I trigger a debugger interrupt (__asm__('trap'), I also tried bkpt 3). I started the debugserver and connected lldb on my machine to it. I was hoping that the debugserver would intercept the trap from the application but clearly I was wrong.

Does anyone have a) How traps are normally intercepted (by say, the debugger), b) Any information on how debugserver attaches itself to a process, or c) Any other ideas as to how I can accomplish this?

  • Did you try __builtin_trap()? raise(SIGINT)? asm("svc 0");? asm("int 3");?
    – Brandon
    Jul 10, 2019 at 4:25
  • Yes, the trap itself works. I ran it in a test app through Xcode and the Xcode debugger is triggered. What I am having trouble with is how to have debugserver/lldb catch this trap and trigger. Jul 10, 2019 at 12:00
  • If you need time for the debugger to attach, why not simply inject a dylib with raise(SIGSTOP);?
    – Siguza
    Jul 10, 2019 at 13:34
  • I liked the idea but I tried it and debugserver won't attach. It must be that it can only attach when the process is in the running state. Jul 10, 2019 at 13:45
  • What happens if you inject sleep(5000) or something? Attach the debugger, then the sleep will finish and voila?
    – Brandon
    Jul 10, 2019 at 13:48


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