I have a MySQL database named my_database , and it that database there are a lot of tables. I want to connect MySQL with Python and to work with specific table named my_table from that database.

This is the code that I have for now:

import json
import pymysql

connection = pymysql.connect(user = "root", password = "", host = "", port = "", database = "my_database")
cursor = connection.cursor()

print(cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM my_database.my_table"))

This code returns number of rows, but I want to get all columns and rows (all values from that table). I have also tried SELECT * FROM my_table but result is the same.

  • Could you elaborate on what 'number of rows' mean? What that number is, and what is the total number of records in that table? Jul 11, 2019 at 9:21

1 Answer 1


Did you read the documentation? You need to fetch the results after executing: fetchone(), fetchall() or something like this:

import json
import pymysql

connection = pymysql.connect(user = "root", password = "", host = "", port = "", database = "my_database")
with connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) as cursor:
    cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM my_database.my_table")
    rows = cursor.fetchall()
    for row in rows:

You probably also want a DictCursor as the results are then parsed as dict.

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