I'm trying to add a common array of objects, should be similar fund_asset_class_focus and year, and have to format into an array of arrays as below(["fund_asset..","2017-total allocation",2018,2019]).

data = [
    "allocation": 60.30,
    "dt": "2017",
    "fund_asset_class_focus": "U.S. Fixed Income"
    "allocation": 50,
    "dt": "2017",
    "fund_asset_class_focus": "U.S. Fixed Income"
    "allocation": 39.80,
    "dt": "2018",
    "fund_asset_class_focus": "U.S. Fixed Income"
    "allocation": 40.7,
    "dt": "2019",
    "fund_asset_class_focus": "U.S. Fixed Income"
    "allocation": 20,
    "dt": "2018",
    "fund_asset_class_focus": "Cash"
    "allocation": 9.7,
    "dt": "2018",
    "fund_asset_class_focus": "Cash"
    "allocation": 16,
    "dt": "2018",
    "fund_asset_class_focus": "Credit"
    "allocation": 16,
    "dt": "2019",
    "fund_asset_class_focus": "Credit"
    "allocation": 16,
    "dt": "2019",
    "fund_asset_class_focus": "Credit"

data = [["U.S. Fixed Income",110.30,39.80, 40.7],["Cash",0,29.7,0],["Credit",0,16,32]]

I tried to solve this by using the following code, however, it was unsuccessful in meeting my requirements:

for (let i in data) {
  var tempObj = {};
  if (obj[years[0]]) 
    tempObj[years[0]] = obj[years[0]];
    tempObj[years[0]] = {};

  if (obj[data[i]["fund_asset_class_focus"]]) {

  • 1
    1) What have you tried so far? 2) Why do you want to use this output format? It seems to not be very optimal. Commented Jul 15, 2019 at 8:42
  • Please add the code you've tried so far
    – adiga
    Commented Jul 15, 2019 at 8:43
  • I am working on the skittle chart, where data to be an array of arrays
    – kiran
    Commented Jul 15, 2019 at 8:51
  • Can you please include a more detailed desired outcome?
    – Kobe
    Commented Jul 15, 2019 at 9:02

2 Answers 2


Create a mapping object called years which will have each year as key and the year's position in the output array as it's value. Here, I'm assuming you have only 3 years. You could also make this dynamic. Then use reduce. Create an accumulator object with each fund_asset_class_focus as key the nested array you need in the output as value.

const data=[{allocation:60.3,dt:"2017",fund_asset_class_focus:"U.S. Fixed Income"},{allocation:50,dt:"2017",fund_asset_class_focus:"U.S. Fixed Income"},{allocation:39.8,dt:"2018",fund_asset_class_focus:"U.S. Fixed Income"},{allocation:40.7,dt:"2019",fund_asset_class_focus:"U.S. Fixed Income"},{allocation:20,dt:"2018",fund_asset_class_focus:"Cash"},{allocation:9.7,dt:"2018",fund_asset_class_focus:"Cash"},{allocation:16,dt:"2018",fund_asset_class_focus:"Credit"},{allocation:16,dt:"2019",fund_asset_class_focus:"Credit"},{allocation:16,dt:"2019",fund_asset_class_focus:"Credit"}];

const years = { 2017: 1, 2018: 2, 2019: 3 },
      defaultValues = Object.keys(years).map(_ => 0);

const merged = data.reduce((r, o) => {
  const { allocation, dt, fund_asset_class_focus: fund } = o;
  r[fund] = r[fund] || [fund, ...defaultValues];
  r[fund][years[dt]] += allocation;
  return r;
}, {})

const output = Object.values(merged);



Sorted it out using lodash. Please use the below code.

var data = [
    "allocation": 60.30,
    "dt": "2017",
    "fund_asset_class_focus": "U.S. Fixed Income"
    "allocation": 50,
    "dt": "2017",
    "fund_asset_class_focus": "U.S. Fixed Income"
    "allocation": 39.80,
    "dt": "2018",
    "fund_asset_class_focus": "U.S. Fixed Income"
    "allocation": 40.7,
    "dt": "2019",
    "fund_asset_class_focus": "U.S. Fixed Income"
    "allocation": 20,
    "dt": "2018",
    "fund_asset_class_focus": "Cash"
    "allocation": 9.7,
    "dt": "2018",
    "fund_asset_class_focus": "Cash"
    "allocation": 16,
    "dt": "2018",
    "fund_asset_class_focus": "Credit"
    "allocation": 16,
    "dt": "2019",
    "fund_asset_class_focus": "Credit"
    "allocation": 16,
    "dt": "2019",
    "fund_asset_class_focus": "Credit"

var years = _.uniqBy(data, 'dt').map(obj => obj.dt); // Get all available years ["2017", "2018", "2019"]

var result = _(data).groupBy('fund_asset_class_focus').map((objs, key) => [
  ...years.map(year => _.sumBy(_.filter(objs, obj => obj.dt === year), 'allocation'))

console.log(result); // [["U.S. Fixed Income",110.30,39.80, 40.7],["Cash",0,29.7,0],["Credit",0,16,32]]
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.14/lodash.min.js"></script>

  • can you guide me any tutorials for lodash.
    – kiran
    Commented Jul 15, 2019 at 10:57
  • 1
    Go to lodash.com. It has tons of JavaScript functions for arrays and objects. You can just include the lodash JS library into your html. <script src="cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.14/…> You can use npm lib if you use ES6
    – polyglot
    Commented Jul 15, 2019 at 12:20
  • Hi Kiran, can you please upvote the answer or mark it as accepted if you don't have any other question?
    – polyglot
    Commented Jul 15, 2019 at 12:24

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