I have http patch request with Bearer Token Authorization. But the Http Request get a Unauthorized error from the Server, when making the exact same Request(console.log(url + token) and then copy it from the console) in Postman, it works.

What could be the Problem ?

this.getToken().subscribe((data: FormData) => {
      const httpOptions = {
        headers: new HttpHeaders({
          'Authorization': ('Bearer ' + data['access_token'])
      console.log("URL with " + httpOptions.headers.get("Authorization"));
      this.http.patch("URL",httpOptions).subscribe((articledata: Article)=>

So this should work, since copying the output and using it in Postman works, but i get a 401 Unauthorized.

  • do you get the authorization token in console? Jul 19, 2019 at 12:48
  • You're using this.http.patch incorrectly. The second parameter should be the body of the request, not the http options (that is the 3rd parameter). Jul 19, 2019 at 12:55

1 Answer 1


For Anyone that needs it, i used http.patch wrong, the headers are the 3rd parameter after url and body.

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