I'm working on an API Gateway/Lambda-based project. The request flow works as follows:

  • API Gateway passes request to Authorizer lambda
  • Authorizer lambda calls sts.assumeRole() and successfully generates an accessKeyId and secretAccessKey
  • Key/secret are passed to request handler lambda via authorizer context
  • Request handler lambda uses the given accessKeyId/secretAccessKey to attempt to access items from an S3 bucket

Every step of the process is working (confirmed via console log), except for the final one. When I attempt to use the generated credentials, I get the following error message:

      "message": "The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.",
      "code": "InvalidAccessKeyId",
      "region": null,
      "time": "2019-07-19T22:05:05.817Z",
      "requestId": "...",
      "extendedRequestId": "...",
      "statusCode": 403,
      "retryable": false,
      "retryDelay": 68.28400384749038

I know this hints strongly that there's something about STS that I don't understand, but I haven't been able to figure out what. (For example, does AWS de-allocate the generated role when the authorizer lambda finishes running?)

Why would AWS be rejecting a freshly-generated pair of credentials, and report this error message?

1 Answer 1


According to the AssumeRole documentation, the returned SessionToken must also be included in any request using the generated credentials.

When you make a call using temporary security credentials, the call must include a session token, which is returned along with those temporary credentials. AWS uses the session token to validate the temporary security credentials.

I had assumed that the generated credentials were exactly like user access keys, and expected the calls to succeed using only those two pieces of information.

  • 1
    This is the answer I needed. Most search results are the "check your spelling" kind of problem. It appears that you can't these provided credentials externally to authenticate as a USER. For example, third party integrations where you need to provide the usual (key/secret) pair to access individual items. Assuming a role doesn't produce usable credentials outside of a session that must include the session token. Nov 5, 2021 at 0:50

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