Our application supports iOS 11 and higher. In iOS 13 we use SwiftUI
+ Combine
we wrap import of SwiftUI
or Combine
framework with correspondent check #if canImport(SwiftUI)
or #if canImport(Combine)
. If we run our app from Xcode 11 under iOS 12 we have error dyld: Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/Combine.framework/Combine
We fixed same issue for SwiftUI by linking it optionally.
But we can't make same for Combine as it can not be even selected for linking
iOS 13
? I'm pretty sure - not 100% - that bothSwiftUI
andCombine** require not only the OS versions coming this fall but also
Swift 5.1`. Checking for OS versions should work for now. And if not? File a bug report.