in my Android project I configured a dimension with 3 variants (example: mock, dev, prod). I also have the default build types (debug, release) where I have their implementation of Application:
So I can generate 6 builds (mockDebug, mockRelease, devDebug, devRelease, etc.)
Now my mockDebug variant needs a specific implementation of MyApplication.kt.
As I read here
I can do this creating a class MyApplication in this path: src/mockDebug/java/package/MyApplication.kt
However I'm receiving an error in Android Studio saying "Redeclaration: MyApplication".
I'm sure I can solve this problem moving all debug/release MyApplication.kt implementations into
- mockDebug
- mockRelease
- devDebug
- devRelease
- prodDebug
- prodRelease
directories, but I don't understand why the documentation says it can be possible, even if I'm receiving that error
Thanks for helping me
commands still working.