I need to start a program from within a c++ program on linux, similar to what ShellExecute does on Windows. This program has to keep running even after the first program ends.

I found suggestions to use fork() and exec(), however these do not work for me as they create a child process that terminates when the parent process ends. I need to keep the new process running even after the parent has ended. Using system("") i have similar issues.

pid_t pid;
pid = fork();

char *arg[] = {"/home/pi/Robot/RobotUpdate", 0};

if (pid == 0)
    execv("/home/pi/Robot/RobotUpdate", arg);

/home/pi/Robot/RobotUpdate is a c++ program that has to keep running after the first program has ended.

EDIT: solved with nohup command: system("nohup /home/pi/Robot/RobotUpdate &");

  • Hello @Tau, Welcome to S.O. Do you want to have a parent process that does not ends when the child process is finished?? Jul 29, 2019 at 13:19
  • 1
    @AlejandroMontilla no OP wants child process to continue when parent dies.
    – Slava
    Jul 29, 2019 at 13:21
  • "however these do not work for me as they create a child process that terminates when the parent process ends" I'm not convinced by this. stackoverflow.com/questions/30200126/… Jul 29, 2019 at 13:23
  • You can run shild process through nohup utility or implement what nohup does en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nohup
    – Slava
    Jul 29, 2019 at 13:24
  • @LightnessRacesinOrbit it may terminate when termination of parent leading to close of control terminal (or vice versa).
    – Slava
    Jul 29, 2019 at 13:24


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