I am looking for a way to identify and replace row-wise duplicate values in a data.table with NA.

The following answer helps me identify row-wise duplicates...

Removing duplicate values row-wise in R

...but I am looking for a way to address those duplicates.


(dt <- data.table(X = 1:10, Y = seq(1, 19, by = 2), Z = c(1, rep(3, 9))))
     X  Y Z
 1:  1  1 1
 2:  2  3 3
 3:  3  5 3
 4:  4  7 3
 5:  5  9 3
 6:  6 11 3
 7:  7 13 3
 8:  8 15 3
 9:  9 17 3
10: 10 19 3


     X   Y  Z
 1:  1  NA NA
 2:  2   3 NA
 3:  3   5 NA
 4:  4   7  3
 5:  5   9  3
 6:  6  11  3
 7:  7  13  3
 8:  8  15  3
 9:  9  17  3
10: 10  19  3

Please help

  • 1
    Reshape to long format. Then this becomes easy (and efficient).
    – Roland
    Commented Aug 15, 2019 at 7:23

3 Answers 3


Here is a data.table solution:

dt[, row := .I
   ][, melt(.SD, id.cols = "row", measure.vars = c("X", "Y", "Z"))
     ][, value := replace(value, duplicated(value), NA), by = row
       ][, dcast(.SD, row ~ variable)
         ][, !"row"]
  • @Ronald's comments have made me consider this answer. @sindri_baldur: could you modify this to not have the row column in the final output?
    – Sanjid
    Commented Aug 19, 2019 at 2:22
  • thanks @sindhi_baldur One last thing. Anything I can do to retain an ID column? For instance, a data.table like the following: (dt <- data.table(ID = LETTERS[1:10], X = 1:10, Y = seq(1, 19, by = 2), Z = c(1, rep(3, 9))))
    – Sanjid
    Commented Aug 20, 2019 at 11:11
  • 1
    @SanjidRahman dt[, row := .I ][, melt(.SD, id.cols = c("ID", "row"), measure.vars = c("X", "Y", "Z")) ][, value := replace(value, duplicated(value), NA), by = row ][, dcast(.SD, ID + row ~ variable) ][, !"row"]
    – s_baldur
    Commented Aug 20, 2019 at 11:14

An even shorter version of what basically is @akrun 's answer:

dt[t(apply(dt, 1, duplicated))] <- NA
  • This is terribly inefficient.
    – Roland
    Commented Aug 16, 2019 at 7:07
  • @Roland please elaborate or provide a more efficient solution if you have any. Do take in mind that the OP asked for a working solution, and didn't specify the size of the dataset. Nor did they ask for a solution aimed at very large datasets.
    – P1storius
    Commented Aug 16, 2019 at 7:23
  • 1
    apply deep-copies the whole dataset. The correct data.table way is already shown in the answer by sindri_baldur.
    – Roland
    Commented Aug 16, 2019 at 7:26

An option with base R

dt[] <- t(apply(dt, 1, function(x) replace(x, duplicated(x), NA)))

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