I have char date[] = "2011-04-01"; How it convert to timestamp in C or C++ ?


2 Answers 2


Warning: strptime is a POSIX-function (may not be available through time.h on OS "Windows" platform).

#include <time.h>

struct tm time;
strptime("2011-04-01", "%Y-%m-%d", &time);
time_t loctime = mktime(&time);  // timestamp in current timezone
time_t gmttime = timegm(&time);  // timestamp in GMT
  • 1
    Not fully initializing/assigning time can be a problem: "unspecified ... will update the current contents of the structure or overwrite all contents of the structure". Suggest struct tm time = {0}; and use time->isdst == -1;. Commented Jan 26, 2017 at 18:16
  • Where is it neccesary to use: "time->isdst == -1;" ?
    – Cristian
    Commented Mar 21, 2018 at 16:30

Try this:

char date[] = "2011-04-01";
date[4] = date[7] = '\0';
struct tm tmdate = {0};
tmdate.tm_year = atoi(&date[0]) - 1900;
tmdate.tm_mon = atoi(&date[5]) - 1;
tmdate.tm_mday = atoi(&date[8]);
time_t t = mktime( &tmdate );
  • Note that this solutions assume that "2011-04-01" is the local date and the DST is not in effect as tmdate.tm_mday == 0. Thus time_t t may be 1 hour off from midnight. Commented Jan 26, 2017 at 18:09

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