I need to align formatting of some clinical trial IDs two merge two databases. For example, in database A patient 123 visit 1 is stored as '123v01' and in database B just '123v1'

I can match A to B by grep match those containing 'v0' and strip out the trailing zero to just 'v', but for academic interest & expanding R / regex skills, I want to reverse match B to A by matching only those containing 'v' followed by only 1 digit, so I can then separately pad that digit with a leading zero.

For a reprex:

string <- c("123v1", "123v01", "123v001")

I can match those with >= 2 digits following a 'v', then inverse subset

> idx <- grepl("v(\\d{2})", string)
> string[!idx]
[1] "123v1"

But there must be a way to match 'v' followed by just a single digit only? I have tried the lookarounds

# Negative look ahead "v not followed by 2+ digits"
grepl("v(?!\\d{2})", string)

# Positive look behind "single digit following v"
grepl("(?<=v)\\d{1})", string)

But both return an 'invalid regex' error

Any suggestions?

  • I'm not much good at regex, but I suggest [vV][0-9]{1}[!0-9] Aug 19, 2019 at 15:08
  • 2
    what about grepl("v\\d{1}$", string)?
    – emilliman5
    Aug 19, 2019 at 15:28
  • Or even shorter, as \\d is one digit: grepl("v\\d$", string), where $ indicates end of string. But maybe its better to remove all leading zeros e.g. with sub("v0*", "v", string) and then make the match.
    – GKi
    Aug 19, 2019 at 16:19
  • Mind that v(?!\d{2}) matches vWORD_HERE - i.e. even when no digit is there after v. See my answer with the proper solution. Aug 19, 2019 at 19:35

2 Answers 2


You need to set the perl=TRUE flag on your grepl function.


grepl("v(?!\\d{2})", string, perl=TRUE)

See this question for more info.

  • v(?!\d{2}) matches vWORD_HERE - i.e. even when no digit is there after v. See your regex demo with an unexpected match. Aug 21, 2019 at 7:14
  • Ah thanks, I didn't check whether the OP's regex's solved their problem, I just addressed the "invalid regex" error the OP mentioned.
    – meenaparam
    Aug 21, 2019 at 10:50

You may use

grepl("v\\d(?!\\d)", string, perl=TRUE)

The v\d(?!\d) pattern matches v, 1 digits and then makes sure there is no digit immediately to the right of the current location (i.e. after the v + 1 digit).

See the regex demo.

Note that you need to enable PCRE regex flavor with the perl=TRUE argument.

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