From what I understand about A* heuristics and how the Bresenham algorithm works, this may not be be possible since only the current state and goal state are passed to the heuristic function. But maybe someone has a clever solution to this problem.
I am using A* to plan a path on a grid, and I would like a heuristic that would cause the best path to follow a Bresenham's line when there are free spaces between the current state and the goal or the next turn around an obstacle.
Here are some images to illustrate the problem.
Manhattan distance:
If movements in the world acted like a checkers on a grid, this would be perfectly fine, but I'm eventually going to convert the A* path to motions on a continuously plane, so this does work very well.
Euclidean distance:
Better, but still not perfect. Notice the straight line at the end. The diagonal could have just as easily remained a diagonal, which is what I want.
What I Want:
Bresenham lines are draw to the next turn or goal.
I found a good resource here, that touches on what I am looking for, but only seems to work for drawing Bresenham lines from the start to the goal. What I want are Bresenham lines being draw to the next turn around an obstacle too.
Any ideas for a good approach to this problem?