What's the "best" way to convert a number to a string (in terms of speed advantage, clarity advantage, memory advantage, etc) ?

Some examples:

  1. String(n)

  2. n.toString()

  3. ""+n

  4. n+""


25 Answers 25


like this:

var foo = 45;
var bar = '' + foo;

Actually, even though I typically do it like this for simple convenience, over 1,000s of iterations it appears for raw speed there is an advantage for .toString()

See Performance tests here (not by me, but found when I went to write my own): http://jsben.ch/#/ghQYR

Fastest based on the JSPerf test above: str = num.toString();

It should be noted that the difference in speed is not overly significant when you consider that it can do the conversion any way 1 Million times in 0.1 seconds.

Update: The speed seems to differ greatly by browser. In Chrome num + '' seems to be fastest based on this test http://jsben.ch/#/ghQYR

Update 2: Again based on my test above it should be noted that Firefox 20.0.1 executes the .toString() about 100 times slower than the '' + num sample.

  • 81
    There are cases where the conversion may not return a preferable answer: '' + 123e-50 returns "1.23e-48".
    – hongymagic
    Commented Oct 30, 2013 at 6:35
  • 39
    @hongymagic: that answer is in fact the only conceivable: the number does not care nor know how it was entered, and the standard printed representation is with exactly one digit before the dot.
    – Svante
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 18:32
  • 5
    I ran the test in jsben.ch/ghQYR, every time it shows me a different result! Commented Aug 16, 2017 at 12:39
  • 4
    I like this answer because a null foo doesn't throw an error.
    – ttugates
    Commented Nov 17, 2017 at 18:41
  • 2
    @MaryamSaeidi: Using drublic's jsperf.com test above seems more consistent.
    – Giraldi
    Commented Apr 21, 2018 at 9:38

In my opinion n.toString() takes the prize for its clarity, and I don't think it carries any extra overhead.

  • 33
    This is unsafe. n might be null or undefined.
    – david.pfx
    Commented Nov 13, 2018 at 10:11
  • 106
    @david.pfx the question asks how to convert numeric values to a string. Providing examples of non-numeric values (e.g. null, undefined) that don't work with this answer hardly makes it "unsafe". Commented Dec 2, 2018 at 23:24
  • 12
    @MichaelMartin-Smucker: If you write a lot of JS you realise that things are rarely so cut and dried. The question was open and IMO a good answer should at least acknowledge the issue of a string that is actually null or undefined. YMMV.
    – david.pfx
    Commented Feb 19, 2019 at 22:37
  • 17
    @david.pfx what certainty? my point was there is no answer to null or undefined, not throwing an error isn't handling it and hiding it will also cause "code to fail". I don't appreciate your condescending statements like "perhaps it's time to write less code and read more", I advise you to keep ad hominem out of your argument and will happily look past it this time. Commented Apr 27, 2020 at 9:40
  • 20
    @david.pfx '' + undefined will give you 'undefined' which is hardly any better in my opinion, if not worse as it fails silently. The same with ('' + null) === 'null' Commented Apr 24, 2021 at 6:47

Explicit conversions are very clear to someone that's new to the language. Using type coercion, as others have suggested, leads to ambiguity if a developer is not aware of the coercion rules. Ultimately developer time is more costly than CPU time, so I'd optimize for the former at the cost of the latter. That being said, in this case the difference is likely negligible, but if not I'm sure there are some decent JavaScript compressors that will optimize this sort of thing.

So, for the above reasons I'd go with: n.toString() or String(n). String(n) is probably a better choice because it won't fail if n is null or undefined.

  • 23
    The question was about converting numbers, not about converting numbers, or null, or undefined. If n is null or undefined due to a bug in my program, then I'd prefer my program to fail in this state, to give me a better chance of finding and fixing the bug. Program crashes are gifts to the programmer, to help her find the bugs :-). The alternative is to deliver software that does not work as designed, having carefully glossed over the bugs. So, I'm not a fan of using String(n) to mask an error. Commented Sep 22, 2015 at 12:12
  • 2
    String(n) is good for using in a functional style, e.g. with underscore's combine _.compose(funcThatNeedsAStringParam, String). Commented Apr 17, 2017 at 14:21
  • 7
    String(null) won't crash the progam, but it will return the literal string "null", which is probably not what you want. If the data could legitimately be null, then you need to handle it explicitly. Commented May 23, 2017 at 1:35
  • 2
    @MattWallis I think that should be the decision of the developer, not the answerer, don't you think? Commented Dec 21, 2018 at 17:48

The below are the methods to convert an Integer to String in JS.

The methods are arranged in the decreasing order of performance.

var num = 1

Method 1:

num = `${num}`

Method 2:

num = num + ''

Method 3:

num = String(num)

Method 4:

num = num.toString()

Note: You can't directly call toString() on a number. 2.toString() will throw Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token.

(The performance test results are given by @DarckBlezzer in his answer)

  • 4
    You can use 2..toString(). Notice the double periods. Commented Jul 28, 2022 at 21:32
  • @RonMartinez Interesting behaviour Commented Oct 26, 2022 at 18:07

Other answers already covered other options, but I prefer this one:

s = `${n}`

Short, succinct, already used in many other places (if you're using a modern framework / ES version) so it's a safe bet any programmer will understand it.

Not that it (usually) matters much, but it also seems to be among the fastest compared to other methods.

  • 1
    @amn if n is undefined it will throw a syntax error by using .toString()
    – Jee Mok
    Commented Nov 8, 2019 at 0:18
  • 2
    Doesn't this just give the same result as String(n) in all cases? The only difference is that it's less clear. Commented Nov 19, 2019 at 0:03
  • 2
    And much slower. Commented Jan 7, 2020 at 3:04
  • 1
    If n is undefined, `${n}` returns string 'undefined'. Better would be `${n || ''}` which returns an empty string if n is undefined or null. Attention: it also returns an '' if n = 0. More complex (and slower) but returning '0' instead of an empty string: `${!isNaN(n) ? n : n || '' }`
    – phse
    Commented Jul 10, 2020 at 11:25
  • 1
    @AdrianBartholomew - Just out of interest, why do you say it is much slower? Apparently, it is much faster, or the fastest, according to these results - see the results for test 4. Commented Sep 22, 2021 at 4:02

...JavaScript's parser tries to parse the dot notation on a number as a floating point literal.

2..toString(); // the second point is correctly recognized
2 .toString(); // note the space left to the dot
(2).toString(); // 2 is evaluated first



Tongue-in-cheek obviously:

var harshNum = 108;

Or in ES6 you could simply use template strings:

var harshNum = 108;
  • If I run the benchmarks with ES6 templates, it sometimes even proves to be faster than the '' + number method. This said, the results of these benchmarks varies a lot when performing them multiple times so not sure if they should be taken too serious. Commented Apr 20, 2018 at 9:28

I used https://jsperf.app to create a test case for the following cases:

number + ''


As of 24th of July, 2018 the results say that number + '' is the fastest in Chrome, in Firefox that ties with template string literals.

Both String(number), and number.toString() are around 95% slower than the fastest option.

performance tests, description above


The simplest way to convert any variable to a string is to add an empty string to that variable.

5.41 + ''    // Result: the string '5.41'
Math.PI + '' // Result: the string '3.141592653589793'
  • 2
    Note that it needs to be inside parens: (5.41 + '') to use the String methods like .substring() and others
    – Gjaa
    Commented Apr 2, 2016 at 4:47
  • 1
    Why does that need to be noted? Commented Jan 7, 2020 at 3:08

I recommended `${expression}` because you don't need to worry about errors.

  console.log(`${elem}`, typeof(`${elem}`))

/* output
undefined string
null      string
NaN       string
true      string
false     string
2         string
3         string

Below you can test the speed. but the order will affect the result. (in StackOverflow) you can test it on your platform.

const testCases = [
  ["${n}", (n) => `${n}`], // 👈
  ['----', undefined],

  [`"" + n`, (n) => "" + n],
  [`'' + n`, (n) => '' + n],
  [`\`\` + n`, (n) => `` + n],
  [`n + ''`, (n) => n + ''],
  ['----', undefined],

  [`String(n)`, (n) =>  String(n)],
  ["${n}", (n) => `${n}`], // 👈

  ['----', undefined],
  [`(n).toString()`, (n) => (n).toString()],
  [`n.toString()`, (n) => n.toString()],


for (const [name, testFunc] of testCases) {
  if (testFunc === undefined) {
  for (const n of [...Array(1000000).keys()]) {


I'm going to re-edit this with more data when I have time to, for right now this is fine...

Test in nodejs v8.11.2: 2018/06/06

let i=0;
    	const string = "" + 1234;
    	const string = '' + 1234;
    	const string = `` + 1234;
    	const string = 1234 +  '';
    	const string = (1234).toString();
    	const string = String(1234);
    	const string = `${1234}`;
    	const string = 1234..toString();
    	const string = 1234 .toString();


test1: 72.268ms
test1.1: 61.086ms
test1.2: 66.854ms
test1.3: 63.698ms
test2: 207.912ms
test3: 81.987ms
test4: 59.752ms
test5: 213.136ms
test6: 204.869ms
  • 2
    Yay - test4 is what I regularly use!! Commented Jan 7, 2020 at 3:03
  • Can the test be more time precise? On my PC test take between 0.7000ms and 10.000 ms. Test 2 does some caching, as it becomes faster. All other times seem to fluctuate. Commented Feb 15 at 1:29

If you need to format the result to a specific number of decimal places, for example to represent currency, you need something like the toFixed() method.

number.toFixed( [digits] )

digits is the number of digits to display after the decimal place.

  • 2
    Unsafe unless you know it's a number.
    – david.pfx
    Commented Nov 13, 2018 at 10:13

The only valid solution for almost all possible existing and future cases (input is number, null, undefined, Symbol, anything else) is String(x). Do not use 3 ways for simple operation, basing on value type assumptions, like "here I convert definitely number to string and here definitely boolean to string".


String(x) handles nulls, undefined, Symbols, [anything] and calls .toString() for objects.

'' + x calls .valueOf() on x (casting to number), throws on Symbols, can provide implementation dependent results.

x.toString() throws on nulls and undefined.

Note: String(x) will still fail on prototype-less objects like Object.create(null).

If you don't like strings like 'Hello, undefined' or want to support prototype-less objects, use the following type conversion function:

 * Safely casts any value to string. Null and undefined are converted to ''.
 * @param  {*} value
 * @return {string}
function string (str) {
  return value == null ? '' : (typeof value === 'object' && !value.toString ? '[object]' : String(value));

With number literals, the dot for accessing a property must be distinguished from the decimal dot. This leaves you with the following options if you want to invoke to String() on the number literal 123:

123 .toString() // space before the dot 123.0.toString()
  • Basically interesting to see this is possible. But apart from that, what's a beneficial use case for doing this conversion rather than just writing "123" in the first place? I don't even see this case explicitly listed in OPs question. As a rule of thumb: if you now the literal value, just put it in quotes for there is no processing required at all. Commented Sep 8, 2020 at 9:49

I like the first two since they're easier to read. I tend to use String(n) but it is just a matter of style than anything else.

That is unless you have a line as

var n = 5;
console.log ("the number is: " + n);

which is very self explanatory


I think it depends on the situation but anyway you can use the .toString() method as it is very clear to understand.


.toString() is the built-in typecasting function, I'm no expert to that details but whenever we compare built-in type casting verse explicit methodologies, built-in workarounds always preferred.


If I had to take everything into consideration, I will suggest following

var myint = 1;
var mystring = myint + '';
/*or int to string*/
myint = myint + ''

IMHO, its the fastest way to convert to string. Correct me if I am wrong.


Method toFixed() will also solves the purpose.

var n = 8.434332;
n.toFixed(2)  // 8.43

Just use template literal syntax:


If you are curious as to which is the most performant check this out where I compare all the different Number -> String conversions.

Looks like 2+'' or 2+"" are the fastest.



We can also use the String constructor. According to this benchmark it's the fastest way to convert a Number to String in Firefox 58 even though it's slower than " + num in the popular browser Google Chrome.


You can call Number object and then call toString().

Number.call(null, n).toString()

You may use this trick for another javascript native objects.


Just come across this recently, method 3 and 4 are not appropriate because how the strings are copied and then put together. For a small program this problem is insignificant, but for any real web application this action where we have to deal with frequency string manipulations can affects the performance and readability.

Here is the link the read.


It seems similar results when using node.js. I ran this script:

let bar;
let foo = ["45","foo"];

console.time('string concat testing');
for (let i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) {
    bar = "" + foo;
console.timeEnd('string concat testing');

console.time("string obj testing");
for (let i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) {
    bar = String(foo);
console.timeEnd("string obj testing");

console.time("string both");
for (let i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) {
    bar = "" + foo + "";
console.timeEnd("string both");

and got the following results:

❯ node testing.js
string concat testing: 2802.542ms
string obj testing: 3374.530ms
string both: 2660.023ms

Similar times each time I ran it.

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