First of all, here's the userland question: Disabling mouse acceleration in Mac OS X @ superuser
To summarize: I want to have linear mouse response on Mac OS X. That is, no acceleration; an adjustable but constant pixels pointer moves / meters mouse moved
I have no idea how to go about this. (Well, not true, but it's better to start from scratch.) Should I write a mouse driver? A startup program? A click-and-forget settings adjuster? A preferences pane?
I want my solution to be as simple, universal and unintrusive as possible, so some criteria might be:
- Works on Snow Leopard (10.6.5) and later - much later, unless an important piece of the API gets deprecated
- Works on mice but not touchpads, tablets, magic wands... (Or maybe configurable?)
- Can easily be applied/run by other people who want the same thing (all 42 of us on the planet)
I'm a fairly experienced C programmer, both in user and kernel space (in Linux and Windows), but know next to nothing about Mac OS X or Darwin. So anything is appreciated, really ("can't distribute drivers without certificate from Apple") but some documentation/reference would get me a long way ("Darwin's Next Generation Mouse Curve Editing API and Examples").
I know the question is a bit open but I don't even know what kind of a solution could work. Thanks in advance.
Edit: Although I've asked both questions to solve the same problem, this is the programmatical counterpart to the other one. (See the first sentence of this question.) Here I'm trying to create my own solution, so to speak, using - I don't know - some HID API? A driver? A solution on the lines of "open current user's prefs file and change this setting to this" should probably be posted on the other question, but note that such a solution probably doesn't exist.