I am trying to do some tests with Amazon Forecast. I have tried now two different datasets which look like so:
13,2013-03-31 19:25:00,93.10999
14,2013-03-31 19:35:00,93.5
15,2013-03-31 19:40:00,93.64
16,2013-03-31 19:50:00,93.74
17,2013-03-31 20:00:00,93.8
18,2013-03-31 20:10:00,92.5
It is:
id, date, value
Both of them return back with this error:
Too few observations (633334) for number of items (633334), averaging 1.000 observations per item
But with different counts of item.
Forecast is very new so there isn't anything coming up on searches. Documentation talks nothing about this error. Really have no idea where to even start trying to get past this.