After omitting null
values we should somehow bypass initial call to customizer
without checking that object does not includes
values once again.
I've invented some sort of nice bike for such purpose:
const compareWithoutNullProperties = (a: any, b: any) =>
isPlainObject(a) && isPlainObject(b)
? isEqualWith(
omitBy(a, (value) => value == null),
omitBy(b, (value) => value == null),
(a: any, b: any, key?: number | string | symbol): boolean | undefined =>
// Next initial call should be ignored.
key != null ? compareWithoutNullProperties(a, b) : undefined,
: undefined;
const isEqualWithoutNullProperties = (a: any, b: any) =>
isEqualWith(a, b, compareWithoutNullProperties);
Tests returning true
isEqualWithoutNullProperties({ a: undefined }, {});
isEqualWithoutNullProperties({ a: null }, {});
isEqualWithoutNullProperties([{ a: undefined }], [{}]);
isEqualWithoutNullProperties([{ a: null }], [{}]);
isEqualWithoutNullProperties({ a: { a: undefined } }, { a: {} });
isEqualWithoutNullProperties({ a: { a: null } }, { a: {} });
isEqualWithoutNullProperties({ a: [{ a: undefined }] }, { a: [{}] });
isEqualWithoutNullProperties({ a: [{ a: null }] }, { a: [{}] });
Tests returning false
isEqualWithoutNullProperties([undefined], []);
isEqualWithoutNullProperties([null], []);
isEqualWithoutNullProperties([undefined], [1]);
isEqualWithoutNullProperties([null], [1]);
isEqualWithoutNullProperties({ a: undefined }, { a: 1 });
isEqualWithoutNullProperties({ a: null }, { a: 1 });
isEqualWithoutNullProperties([{ a: undefined }], [{ a: 1 }]);
isEqualWithoutNullProperties([{ a: null }], [{ a: 1 }]);
isEqualWithoutNullProperties({ a: { a: undefined } }, { a: { a: 1 } });
isEqualWithoutNullProperties({ a: { a: null } }, { a: { a: 1 } });
isEqualWithoutNullProperties({ a: [{ a: undefined }] }, { a: [{ a: 1 }] });
isEqualWithoutNullProperties({ a: [{ a: null }] }, { a: [{ a: 1 }] });
does normally.