I wanted to get distinct country values for each category.

Say for example.

A Category has many companies which in turn has many sub-compoanies under it that belong to different counties. Let's say a Cars Category and its companies are Toyota and Honda. And we all know Toyota and Honda are global companies themselves that have branches across the globe.

I wanted to display the unique values of these countries seperated by " | " using string aggr.

How do I go about doing that?

Sample Data:

Category table

ID   |   Name    |  
1    |  Cars     |    
2    |  Game     |
Company Table

ID   |  CompanyName    | Category
1    |  Toyota         |   Cars
2    |  Honda          |   Cars
3    |  Sony           |   Game
4    |  EA             |   Game
Branches table

BranchID      |    BranchName     |    Country      | ParentCompany|
1             | Toyota_America    |    USA          | Toyota       |
2             | Toyota_Japan      |    JP           | Toyota       |
3             | Honda_India_Mumbai|    IN           | Honda        |
4             | Honda_India_Delhi |    IN           | Honda        |
5             | Sony_Japan_Tokyo  |    JP           | Sony         |
6             | Sony_Japan_Hokaido|    JP           | Sony         |
7             | Sony_Spain        |    ES           | Sony         |

With the example aboev I wanted the output to be:

Category   |    Company       |   Contries  |
Car        |  Toyota|Honda    |  USA | JP | IN     
Game       |   Sony |EA       |    JP | ES  

As you can see in the Sony example, although Japan occured twice, it was only displayed once.

I've tried using the DISTINCT with the joins and string_aggr function but it just doesn't seem to work

My Query:

SELECT DISTINCT ca.Category, co.Company, string_agg(br.Country, '|') as Countries 
FROM Category ca
LEFT JOIN Company co ON co.Category = ca.Name
LEFT JOIN Branches br ON br.ParentCompany = ca.CompanyName
Group By
ca.Category, co.Company

Now I know that linking them using ID's and whatnot is the best practice but I only made it so, it would be much more understandable.

What am I doing wrong?

2 Answers 2


your are missing group by(), since you are using aggregate function string_agg()

SELECT ca.Category, string_agg(co.Company, '|'), string_agg(br.Country, '|') as Countries 
FROM Category ca
LEFT JOIN Company co ON co.Category = ca.Name
LEFT JOIN Branches br ON br.ParentCompany = ca.CompanyName
GROUP BY ca.Category
  • This is the correct answer for the initial question. However I revised it to grouping it according to the Category
    – Gashio Lee
    Sep 12, 2019 at 8:52

In MSSQL Server, in order to concatenate you may use either + sign or CONCAT function. So, in your case you may change the query to something like:

SELECT DISTINCT ca.Category, co.Company, CONCAT(br.Country, N'|') as Countries 
FROM Category ca
LEFT JOIN Company co ON co.Category = ca.Name
LEFT JOIN Branches br ON br.ParentCompany = ca.CompanyName
GROUP BY ca.Category, co.Company

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