
I faced to a problem about to make "Sets" with struct on C.

I had initialized two struct pointers(S1, S2). At first time to initialize the pointers and print there address with %p has work, but after to access the functions with S2, It doesn't work. I checked pointer after access the function. Address of S2 became a NULL. I don't know how can I fix this problem..

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define defaultSize 5

typedef enum {FALSE, TRUE} Boolean;

typedef struct {
    int nElements;
    int arraySize;
    char **element;
} strset_t;

strset_t *createSet()
    strset_t *s;
    if((s = (strset_t*)malloc(sizeof(strset_t))) != NULL){
        s->element = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * defaultSize);

        s->nElements = 0;
        s->arraySize = defaultSize;

    return s;

void deleteSet(strset_t *s)

int cardinality(strset_t *s)
    return s->nElements;

int isElement(char *x, strset_t *a)
    for(int i = 0; i < a->nElements; i++)
        if(strcmp(x, a->element[i]) == 0)
            return i;
    return -1;

Boolean addElement(char *x, strset_t *a)
    if(a->nElements == a->arraySize){
        a->arraySize *= 2;
        a = realloc(a, a->arraySize);

        puts("== extended ==");

    if(a == NULL){
        puts("=== NULL ===");
        return FALSE;

    a->element[a->nElements] = (char *)malloc(strlen(x) + 1);
    strcpy(a->element[a->nElements], x);
    a->nElements++; //deep copy를 사용하여 값 전달

    return TRUE;

Boolean removeElement(char *x, strset_t *a)
    int idx = isElement(x, a);

    if(idx == -1){
        puts("=== Not found ===");
        return FALSE;

    for(int i = idx; i < a->nElements - 1; i++){
        a->element[i] = a->element[i + 1];

    free(a->element[a->nElements - 1]);

int main()
    strset_t *S1, *S2;

    S1 = createSet();
    S2 = createSet();

    Boolean run = TRUE;

    char target, selection;
    char buff[100];

        printf("%p %p\n", S1, S2);


        switch (getchar()) {
        case '1':
            printf("Target(1, 2)) : ");
            scanf("%d", &target);
            printf("Element : ");
            if(target == 1)
                addElement(gets(buff), S1);
            else if(target == 2)
                addElement(gets(buff), S2);


        case '2':
            printf("Target(1, 2)) : ");
            scanf("%d", &target);
            printf("Element : ");
            if(target == 1)
                removeElement(gets(buff), S1);
            else if(target == 2)
                removeElement(gets(buff), S2);


        case 'X':
            run = FALSE;

            puts("== Invalid menu ==");



    return 0;
  • 1
    A struct cannot become NULL. A pointer can. Commented Sep 12, 2019 at 8:26
  • @AnttiHaapala yup my mistake, I mean, struct pointer be a NULL pointer everytime. thanks I'll modify my post
    – hopyoiiixx
    Commented Sep 12, 2019 at 8:28
  • 1) Never use gets, is no longer part of the language, instead use fgets and strip the trailing '\0' 2) "%p" wants a cast: (void *)S1 Commented Sep 12, 2019 at 8:29
  • What input do you give your program? How do you know that the pointer becomes null? After every function call of what? Commented Sep 12, 2019 at 8:29
  • 2
    scanf("%d", &target); - it requires an int yet target is a char. Commented Sep 12, 2019 at 8:29

1 Answer 1


In addElement() the call of realloc() gets as size only a->arraySize but you need sizeof(char *) * a->arraySize as on the call of malloc(). The allocated block will be smaller than before (because sizeof(char *) is greater than 1, depending on your system) and when writing into it other memory will be overwritten.

  • ohhh I had mistakes. Thanks!
    – hopyoiiixx
    Commented Sep 12, 2019 at 15:36

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