I have an Object array which is a list of argument values a function could take. This could be any complex object.
I am trying to build a json out of the Object array using gson as below:
private JsonArray createArgsJsonArray(Object... argVals) {
JsonArray argsArray = new JsonArray();
Arrays.stream(argVals).forEach(arg -> argsArray.add(gson.toJson(arg)));
return argsArray;
- This treats all the arg values as String.
It escapes the String args
I prefer the following output:
Is there a way to achieve this using gson?
I used org.json
, I was able to achieve the desired result, but it does not work for complex objects.
I applied the solution provided by @Michał Ziober, but now how do I get back the object.
Gson gson = new Gson();
Object strObj = "'";
JsonObject fnObj = new JsonObject();
JsonObject fnObj2 = new JsonObject();
fnObj.add("response", gson.toJsonTree(strObj));
fnObj2.addProperty("response", gson.toJson(strObj));
Object.class)); --> prints {response='} //Not what I want!
Object.class)); --> prints {response="\u0027"}