To see all the images I have installed, I run docker images. I'd like to sort all my images by "SIZE". How can I do this? More generally, how does one sort the returned images by any parameter, such as "CREATED"

11 Answers 11


docker images supports --format flag to customize output -> https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/images/#format-the-output

Adding custom formatting and using sort does the trick:

docker images --format "{{.ID}}\t{{.Size}}\t{{.Repository}}" | sort -k 2 -h
  • 16
    Including the tag if you have different versions of the same image and want to identify them: docker images --format "{{.ID}}\t{{.Size}}\t{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}" | sort -k 2 -h Commented May 20, 2020 at 19:26
  • Why pass a custom --format flag when size is already included as column 7 by default? See comments on @Michel Samia's answer below Commented Nov 12, 2020 at 18:58
  • 1
    Hint: sort -h does not respect decimal point in numbers, or do I miss something?
    – ralph
    Commented Jan 12, 2023 at 10:41
  • As @ralph mantioned above this doesn't sort properly because of decimal points...
    – MoRe
    Commented Jan 31, 2023 at 15:14
  • sort -h here (on Rocky 9, e.g., same as RHEL 9: sort (GNU coreutils) 8.32) only works if there is no space between the unit and the number. I.e., the unit of 500MB would get recognized, but 500 MB would be just a number (not a megabyte).
    – chutz
    Commented Apr 7, 2023 at 7:39

None of the answers correctly show how to sort the actual docker images command.

Here is a bona fide solution:

docker images | sort -k7 -h

Note: it's the 7th, not 5th column, because we have to skip additional 2 spaces created by the time unit and "ago" (e.g. to sort by "1.8GB" rather than by "weeks" in: "name tag hash 7 weeks ago 1.8GB"). This trick was first posted in one of the comments under this answer.

  • This doesn't sort properly when there are numbers with decimal points.
    – MoRe
    Commented Jan 31, 2023 at 15:15
docker image ls --format "{{.Size}} {{.ID}} {{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}" | LANG=en_US sort -h | column -t
# sample output
1.24MB 5ba631491225 busybox:latest
206MB  8ce5afe3d430 registry.hub.docker.com/gentoo/portage:latest
974MB  d06781d69b4c registry.hub.docker.com/gentoo/stage3:systemd
1GB    d13df3eacaa7 gentoo-distrobox:latest
24GB   e7512ebcf557 ghcr.io/fabceolin/windev:usb
  • Seems to be the only answer which sorts correctly when floating points are involved
    – Kutzi
    Commented Mar 29, 2023 at 7:05
  • Bonus track: docker container ls -s -a --format "{{.Size}} {{.Names}}" | sed -r 's/\(virtual .*\)//' | LANG=en_US sort -h Commented Jul 5, 2023 at 0:49
  • Actually these 2 seem to have issue sorting it correctly, too. E.g. 149MB a 2.14MB b 327MB c 64.8MB d 688MB e 71.7MB f
    – Kutzi
    Commented Jul 5, 2023 at 15:50
  • I ended up writing a python script: docker images | python3 -c "import sys; from humanfriendly import parse_size; print('\n'.join(sorted(sys.stdin.read().strip().split('\n')[1:], key=lambda x: parse_size(x.split()[6]))))" Commented Jan 9 at 17:23
  • Guys this is the correct one! Commented Mar 26 at 11:26

Logical solution should be

docker images | sort -k5 -h

but this doesn't work, because docker emits spaces instead of tabs.

Created issue for that(https://github.com/docker/cli/issues/2406).

If you have time and know go, please contribute the fix :)

Till fixed, you can use some wrapper script like https://github.com/pixelastic/oroshi/blob/master/scripts/bin/docker-image-list

  • 3
    It's not because of tabs that do not work. It's because the 5 (fifth) column it is not size, it is a part of the CREATED column. Commented Apr 8, 2020 at 0:33
  • 11
    This sorta works: docker image ls | sort -k7 -hr
    – Pang
    Commented Mar 26, 2021 at 3:16
  • 2
    A locale-independent command (because a floating-point char) is: docker image ls | LANG=C sort -k7 -hr Commented Jan 24, 2022 at 10:20
  • None of these works correctly, if floating points are involved. Not even Fabricio's one
    – Kutzi
    Commented Mar 29, 2023 at 7:04

If using PowerShell, you can sort by arbitrary fields such as repo/image name as follows:

docker images --format="{{json .}}" |
    ConvertFrom-Json |
    Sort-Object Repository |
    Select-Object Repository,Tag,ID,CreatedSince,Size |

though sadly it doesn't work well on human-readable fields such as Size so it unfortunately doesn't answer the more specific first part of your question.

  • I think size is only human readable when printed. I was able to sort using it. See my answer: stackoverflow.com/a/71959947/1814970 (tried to suggest an edit here, but SO didn't allow).
    – marcelocra
    Commented Apr 21, 2022 at 19:30
  • 1
    Ah that's good to know, perhaps an improvement in Docker since I posted this originally!
    – sparrowt
    Commented Apr 27, 2022 at 13:24

Tried to suggest an edit, but SO didn't allow me, saying that the queue was full.

Building on @sparrowt's answer for a PowerShell solution, I believe Size is only human readable when printed. So if you convert them to integer first, you can sort:

(This is the same code from the other answer, changing one line.)

docker images --format="{{json .}}" |
    ConvertFrom-Json |
    # Sort-Object Repository |                    # ORIGINAL
    Sort-Object Repository, { [int]$_.Size } |    # SORTING BY SIZE
    Select-Object Repository,Tag,ID,CreatedSince,Size |

To sort by any column set sort_column to the number from 1 to 4. To sort descending set desc to 1

sort_column=4 && \
desc=0 && \
delim="$(printf '\t')" && \
{ \
    printf "REPOSITORY:TAG${delim}IMAGE ID${delim}CREATED${delim}SIZE\n" && \
    docker images --format "{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}${delim}{{.ID}}${delim}{{.CreatedAt}}${delim}{{.Size}}" | \
    LC_ALL=C sort -t"$delim" -k"$sort_column" -h \
    $([ ${desc:-} -eq 0 ] || echo "-r"); \
} | \
column -t -s"$delim"

Same code as a one-liner:

sort_column=4 && desc=0 && delim="$(printf '\t')" && { printf "REPOSITORY:TAG${delim}IMAGE ID${delim}CREATED${delim}SIZE\n" && docker images --format "{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}${delim}{{.ID}}${delim}{{.CreatedAt}}${delim}{{.Size}}" | LC_ALL=C sort -t"$delim" -k"$sort_column" -h $([ ${desc:-} -eq 0 ] || echo "-r"); } | column -t -s"$delim"

Example sort by SIZE Descending



android-sdk:latest  08eeb5aa5e29  2022-01-22 21:14:23  1.1GB
node:13.8.0-buster  f6de44b06e1f  2021-12-21 22:28:44  910MB
debian:buster       58075fe9ecce  2020-09-30 02:33:47  114MB
ubuntu:bionic       d27b9ffc5667  2019-03-12 01:21:12  65MB
hello-world:latest  4ab4c602aa5e  2018-10-11 21:21:30  1.9kB

Example sort by REPOSITORY:TAG Ascending



android-sdk:latest  08eeb5aa5e29  2022-01-22 21:14:23  1.1GB
debian:buster       58075fe9ecce  2020-09-30 02:33:47  114MB
hello-world:latest  4ab4c602aa5e  2018-10-11 21:21:30  1.9kB
node:13.8.0-buster  f6de44b06e1f  2021-12-21 22:28:44  910MB
ubuntu:bionic       d27b9ffc5667  2019-03-12 01:21:12  65MB

Try the --format table according to the docker documentation of docker-images

e.g. sort by repository name

docker images --format 'table {{.Repository}}\t{{.ID}}\t{{.Tag}}\t{{.Size}}' | (read -r; printf "%s\n" "$REPLY"; sort -h -k7)


REPOSITORY                               IMAGE ID       TAG                      SIZE
danieltobon43/pcl-docker                 06a35efdd8ec   1.0-alpine3.15-dev       1.56GB
danieltobon43/pcl-docker                 06a35efdd8ec   1.12.1-alpine3.15-dev    1.56GB
danieltobon43/pcl-docker                 39415115561c   1.9.1-ubuntu20.04        5.75GB
danieltobon43/pcl-docker                 7369903b06b3   1.0-alpine3.15           1.27GB
danieltobon43/pcl-docker                 d412b4ff42d5   1.12.1-alpine3.15        531MB
dbscan                                   6416b9ed2fa1   1.0-ubuntu20.04          2.1GB
dbscan                                   f3a4fd088d94   1.0-alpine3.15           1.32GB
ghcr.io/patrickhoefler/dockerfilegraph   93485687d9ab   0.7.3-alpine             44.9MB
github/super-linter                      385b056df558   latest                   6.35GB
myapp                                    8ccfe15f0ebd   1.0                      71.9MB
pcl-docker                               d412b4ff42d5   1.12.1-alpine3.5         531MB
pcl-docker                               e4b28f82aab5   1.12.1-v1.2-alpine3.15   594MB
vtk-docker                               aacf6a38b5ff   8.1.0-alpine3.5          1.11GB

I have a hard time figuring out the keys, but have found jq to be very helpful to quickly get this kind of stuff done. E.g.:

$ docker images --format json | jq -r 'unique | sort_by(-.Size) | .[] | [ .Id[:12], .Size, .CreatedAt, .Names[] ] | @tsv'
5cffd02133cb    915590610       2023-02-11T03:24:34Z    docker.io/library/ruby:latest
9124e6ec78cc    886347105       2023-02-11T03:37:24Z    docker.io/library/ruby:2.7
6a658e3ed635    513900464       2023-01-24T15:17:16Z    docker.io/pipelinecomponents/ansible-lint:latest
1de5905a6164    416218073       2022-11-30T23:30:42Z    docker.io/library/mariadb:latest
68f5d950dcd3    386595867       2022-11-15T06:38:54Z    docker.io/library/postgres:latest
1403af3b6d4a    308156195       2021-08-06T18:32:44Z    docker.io/library/golang:1.15-alpine
818ca3531f99    264457584       2023-04-04T18:26:39Z    docker.io/library/golang:1.20-alpine
eeb6ee3f44bd    211690387       2021-09-15T18:20:23Z    docker.io/library/centos:7
63f107ef819e    203491339       2022-12-19T23:20:28Z    docker.io/library/rockylinux:8.7        docker.io/library/rockylinux:8
ce99dcf19c24    181691319       2022-12-22T02:41:17Z    docker.io/library/rockylinux:9.1        docker.io/library/rockylinux:9


Instead of the above two approaches by @sparrowt and @marcelora what ended up working for me was

       docker images --format="{{json .}}" |
       ConvertFrom-Json |
       Sort-Object {$_.Size/1KB} |
       Select-Object Repository,Tag,ID,CreatedSince,Size |

It seems that the $_.Size/1KB part was of importance in my scenario

Without it I would receive errors like

Cannot convert value "xGB" to type "System.Int32". Error: "The input string 'xGB' was not in a correct format."

Do note that my answer is almost completely derived from the above two answers with small changes which ended up helping me out personally.


Other approach, using python

docker images | python3 -c "import sys; from humanfriendly import parse_size; print('\n'.join(sorted(sys.stdin.read().strip().split('\n')[1:], key=lambda x: parse_size(x.split()[6]))))"

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