I have the following code:

<div class="item-container">
  <mat-checkbox class="item">{{contactInfo.privateMobile}}</mat-checkbox>

If contactInfo.privateMobile is empty, I don't want the user to be able to check the checkbox.

I have tried something along the lines of: <mat-checkbox *ngIf={{contactInfo.privateMobile}} === null disabled=true" class="item">{{contactInfo.privateMobile}}</mat-checkbox>, but that doesn't work or compile. Maybe I need a method in my TypeScript code instead? Not sure how to go about it.

3 Answers 3


Don't have to use {{}} in the *ngIf:

<div class="item-container">
  <mat-checkbox *ngIf="contactInfo.privateMobile" class="item">{{contactInfo.privateMobile}}</mat-checkbox>

If you wish to just disable it, you could do something like:

<div class="item-container">
  <mat-checkbox [disabled]="!contactInfo.privateMobile" class="item">{{contactInfo.privateMobile || '(private mobile unavailable)'}}</mat-checkbox>

Demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-h1sfoy?file=app%2Fcheckbox-overview-example.html


You can bind attribute like this:

[disabled]="contactInfo.privateMobile === null"

if that doesn't work, this should:

[attr.disabled]="contactInfo.privateMobile === null ? 'disabled' : null"

ngIf directive will remove the element from DOM. Use ternary operator in disabled property

<mat-checkbox [disabled]=" contactInfo?.privateMobile === null ? true : false">Check me!</mat-checkbox>


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