I was provided with an environment.ubuntu.yml
file to be able to create a conda environment. However, running conda create env --file environment.ubuntu.yml
I get the following output:
conda env create --file environment.ubuntu.yml
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: -
Found conflicts! Looking for incompatible packages.
This can take several minutes. Press CTRL-C to abort.
Examining fontconfig: 5%|▉ | 10/202 [00:00<00:00, 5393.91it/ ]
Comparing specs that have this dependency: 0%| | 0/12 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Finding shortest confli| path for fontconfig==2.13.1=he4413a7_1000: 12%|▏| 1/8
Finding shortest conflict path for fontconfig==2.13.1=he4413a7_1000: 25%|▎| 2/8
Finding shortest conflict pa/ for fontconfig[version='>=2.13.0,<3.0a0']: 25%|
Finding shortest conflict path for fontconfig[version='>=2.13.0,<3.0a0']: 38%|
Finding shortest conf- ct path for fontconfig[version='>=2.11.1']: 38%|▍| 3/8 [
Finding shortest conflict path for fontconfig[version='>=2.11.1']: 50%|▌| 4/8 [
Finding shortest conflict pa| for fontconfig[version='>=2.12.4,<3.0a0']: 50%|
The Finding shortest conflict path
goes on for a long time - apparently it is trying to resolve some dependency issues. Running for 2 hours it is not clear if it will ever stop.
My question is: what is happening here and can I somehow manually speed up this process, e.g. by removing unnecessary dependencies? Since I did not create the environment I don't know which are actually necessary.
The reason why I'm curious is because it is checking conflict paths like fontconfig[version='>=2.12.6,<3.0a0']
when the one in dependencies
is 2.13.1
and I have installed it through 2.13.1
Please find below the .yml file for reference.
name: cea
- https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/free
- dlr-sc
- https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/main
- conda-forge
- conda-forge/label/gcc7
- defaults
- attrs=19.1.0=py_0
- backports=1.0=py_2
- backports.functools_lru_cache=1.5=py_1
- backports_abc=0.5=py_1
- boost-cpp=1.68.0=h11c811c_1000
- bzip2=1.0.6=h14c3975_1002
- ca-certificates=2019.3.9=hecc5488_0
- cairo=1.14.12=h80bd089_1005
- certifi=2019.3.9=py27_0
- click=7.0=py_0
- click-plugins=1.0.4=py_0
- cligj=0.5.0=py_0
- curl=7.64.1=hf8cf82a_0
- cycler=0.10.0=py_1
- descartes=1.1.0=py_2
- enum34=1.1.6=py27_1001
- expat=2.2.5=hf484d3e_1002
- fiona=1.8.6=py27hf242f0b_2
- fontconfig=2.13.1=he4413a7_1000
- freetype=2.10.0=he983fc9_0
- freexl=1.0.5=h14c3975_1002
- functools32=
- futures=3.2.0=py27_1000
- gdal=2.4.1=py27h5f563d9_8
- geopandas=0.4.1=py_1
- geos=3.7.1=hf484d3e_1000
- geotiff=1.4.3=h1105359_1000
- gettext=
- giflib=5.1.7=h516909a_1
- glib=2.56.2=had28632_1001
- hdf4=4.2.13=h9a582f1_1002
- hdf5=1.10.4=nompi_h3c11f04_1106
- icu=58.2=hf484d3e_1000
- jpeg=9c=h14c3975_1001
- json-c=0.13.1=h14c3975_1001
- kealib=1.4.10=h1978553_1003
- kiwisolver=1.0.1=py27h6bb024c_1002
- krb5=1.16.3=h05b26f9_1001
- libblas=3.8.0=4_openblas
- libcblas=3.8.0=4_openblas
- libcurl=7.64.1=hda55be3_0
- libdap4=3.19.1=hd48c02d_1000
- libedit=3.1.20170329=hf8c457e_1001
- libffi=3.2.1=he1b5a44_1006
- libgdal=2.4.1=heae24aa_8
- libiconv=1.15=h516909a_1005
- libkml=1.3.0=h328b03d_1009
- liblapack=3.8.0=4_openblas
- libnetcdf=4.6.2=hbdf4f91_1001
- libpng=1.6.36=h84994c4_1000
- libpq=11.2=h4770945_0
- libspatialindex=1.9.0=he1b5a44_0
- libspatialite=4.3.0a=hb5ec416_1026
- libssh2=1.8.2=h22169c7_2
- libtiff=4.0.10=h648cc4a_1001
- libuuid=2.32.1=h14c3975_1000
- libxcb=1.13=h14c3975_1002
- libxml2=2.9.8=h143f9aa_1005
- mapclassify=1.0.1=py27_1
- matplotlib=2.2.3=py27h8a2030e_1
- matplotlib-base=2.2.3=py27h60b886d_1
- munch=2.3.2=py_0
- ncurses=6.1=hf484d3e_1002
- numpy=1.16.2=py27h8b7e671_1
- openblas=0.3.5=h9ac9557_1001
- openjpeg=2.3.0=hf38bd82_1003
- openssl=1.1.1b=h14c3975_1
- pandas=0.24.2=py27hf484d3e_0
- pip=19.0.3=py27_0
- pixman=0.34.0=h14c3975_1003
- poppler=0.67.0=h2fc8fa2_1002
- poppler-data=0.4.9=1
- postgresql=11.2=h61314c7_0
- proj4=5.2.0=h14c3975_1001
- pthread-stubs=0.4=h14c3975_1001
- pyparsing=2.3.1=py_0
- pyproj=1.9.6=py27hc0953d3_1000
- pyqt=5.6.0=py27h13b7fb3_1008
- python=2.7.15=h721da81_1008
- python-dateutil=2.8.0=py_0
- pytz=2018.9=py_0
- readline=7.0=hf8c457e_1001
- rtree=0.8.3=py27h666c49c_1002
- scipy=1.2.1=py27h09a28d5_1
- setuptools=40.8.0=py27_0
- shapely=1.6.4=py27h2afed24_1003
- singledispatch=
- sip=4.18.1=py27hf484d3e_1000
- six=1.12.0=py27_1000
- sqlite=3.26.0=h67949de_1001
- subprocess32=3.5.3=py27h14c3975_0
- tbb=2019.5=hc9558a2_0
- tk=8.6.9=h84994c4_1001
- tornado=5.1.1=py27h14c3975_1000
- tzcode=2018g=h14c3975_1001
- wheel=0.33.1=py27_0
- xerces-c=3.2.2=hac72e42_1001
- xorg-kbproto=1.0.7=h14c3975_1002
- xorg-libice=1.0.9=h516909a_1004
- xorg-libsm=1.2.3=h84519dc_1000
- xorg-libx11=1.6.7=h14c3975_1000
- xorg-libxau=1.0.9=h14c3975_0
- xorg-libxdmcp=1.1.3=h516909a_0
- xorg-libxext=1.3.4=h516909a_0
- xorg-libxrender=0.9.10=h516909a_1002
- xorg-renderproto=0.11.1=h14c3975_1002
- xorg-xextproto=7.3.0=h14c3975_1002
- xorg-xproto=7.0.31=h14c3975_1007
- xz=5.2.4=h14c3975_1001
- zlib=1.2.11=h14c3975_1004
- freeimageplus=3.18.0=hf484d3e_2
- gl2ps=1.3.8=h14c3975_4
- oce=0.17.2=h6bb024c_10
- pythonocc-core=0.17=py27_1
- mkl=2017.0.3=0
- mkl-service=1.1.2=py27_3
- dbus=1.13.2=h714fa37_1
- gst-plugins-base=1.14.0=hbbd80ab_1
- gstreamer=1.14.0=hb453b48_1
- libgcc-ng=8.2.0=hdf63c60_1
- libgfortran-ng=7.3.0=hdf63c60_0
- libstdcxx-ng=8.2.0=hdf63c60_1
- pcre=8.43=he6710b0_0
- qt=5.6.3=h8bf5577_3
- pip:
- alabaster==0.7.12
- babel==2.6.0
- backports.shutil-get-terminal-size==1.0.0
- bleach==3.1.0
- chardet==3.0.4
- cloudpickle==0.8.1
- configparser==3.7.4
- cvxopt==1.2.3
- decorator==4.4.0
- defusedxml==0.5.0
- docutils==0.14
- doit==0.29.0
- entrypoints==0.3
- ephem==
- funcsigs==1.0.2
- h5py==2.9.0
- idna==2.8
- imagesize==1.1.0
- importlib-resources==1.0.2
- ipaddress==1.0.22
- ipykernel==4.10.0
- ipython==5.8.0
- ipython-genutils==0.2.0
- ipywidgets==7.4.2
- jinja2==2.10
- joblib==0.12.5
- jsonschema==3.0.1
- jupyter==1.0.0
- jupyter-client==5.2.4
- jupyter-console==5.2.0
- jupyter-core==4.4.0
- llvmlite==0.28.0
- lxml==4.3.3
- markupsafe==1.1.1
- mistune==0.8.4
- mock==2.0.0
- nbconvert==5.4.1
- nbformat==4.4.0
- networkx==2.2
- notebook==5.7.8
- numba==0.43.1
- packaging==19.0
- pandocfilters==1.4.2
- pathlib2==2.3.3
- patsy==0.5.1
- pbr==5.1.3
- pexpect==4.6.0
- pickleshare==0.7.5
- pkginfo==
- plotly==3.7.1
- prometheus-client==0.6.0
- prompt-toolkit==1.0.15
- ptyprocess==0.6.0
- py4design==0.27
- pycollada==0.6
- pygments==2.3.1
- pyinotify==0.9.6
- pymc3==3.6
- pymf==0.1.9
- pyrsistent==0.14.11
- pysal==1.14.4.post2
- pyshp==2.1.0
- pyyaml==5.1
- pyzmq==18.0.1
- qtconsole==4.4.3
- readme-renderer==24.0
- requests==2.21.0
- requests-toolbelt==0.9.1
- retrying==1.3.3
- salib==1.2
- scandir==1.10.0
- scikit-learn==0.20.3
- seaborn==0.9.0
- send2trash==1.5.0
- simplegeneric==0.8.1
- snowballstemmer==1.2.1
- sphinx==1.8.5
- sphinxcontrib-websupport==1.1.0
- terminado==0.8.2
- testpath==0.4.2
- theano==1.0.4
- timezonefinder==4.0.1
- tqdm==4.31.1
- traitlets==4.3.2
- twine==1.13.0
- typing==3.6.6
- urllib3==1.24.1
- utm==0.4.2
- wcwidth==0.1.7
- webencodings==0.5.1
- widgetsnbextension==3.4.2
- xlrd==1.2.0
- xlwt==1.3.0
- deap==1.3.0
section, but that's just good practice and not so much moving toward your goal of getting the env created.version='>=2.12.6,<3.0a0'
when the one independencies
and I have installed it throughconda install fontconfig=2.13.1
as just another constraint, together with those that come from all the packages that have it as a dependency (e.g.,fontconfig[version='>=2.12.6,<3.0a0']
) and then tries to find the intersection. Perhaps it just doesn't realize that because all your specs are explicit down to the build, there's actually no wiggle room.