I'm trying to have build a vue.js project strictly typed with Typescript.

I use VeeValidate to build a form. I use a reference to the VeeValidate ValidationObserver to process the submitted form. I also use vue-class-component.

Here is how I tried to type the ValidationObserver component in my code.

  <ValidationObserver tag="form" ref="repertoireForm" @submit.prevent="submitForm">
    <ValidationProvider rules="required"></ValidationProvider>

<script lang="ts">

import Vue from 'vue';
import Component from 'vue-class-component';
import {ValidationObserver, ValidationProvider} from 'vee-validate';

  components: {
export default class RepertoireForm extends Vue 
  $refs!: {
    // here is what I'm trying to type
    repertoireForm: ValidationObserver,

  async submitForm(e: Event): Promise<void> {
    const valid = await this.$refs.repertoireForm.validate();

    // some submit routine here

When I try to compile this, I got the following error:

TS2749: 'ValidationObserver' refers to a value, but is being used as a type here.

How can I correctly type this repertoireForm $refs ?

1 Answer 1


The imports you want are actually ValidationProviderInstance and ValidationObserverInstance as without the Instance these refer to a Component.

import { ValidationProviderInstance, ValidationObserverInstance } from 'vee-validate'

And then later:

const valid = await (this.$refs.repertoireForm as ValidationObserverInstance).validate()


v3 has changed things. You can now use the InstanceType:

$refs!: {
    validationProviderRef: InstanceType<typeof ValidationProvider>,
    validationObserverRef: InstanceType<typeof ValidationObserver>

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