I am creating a html5 canvas game and want to check how many frames pass in one second. I have tried using new Date(), and it is not working. How would I manage to do this? javascript template/example:

var fps;
function loop(){
    //some code

function checkFrameRate(){
    fps = //how long it takes for loop to run

2 Answers 2


In the loop function check the time passed between executions.

let lastTime = new Date();
function loop() { 
    const currentTime = new Date();
    // currentTime - lastTime is the number of milliseconds passed from last loop 
    const fps = 1000 / (currentTime - lastTime);
    lastTime = currentTime;

I would use performance.now() instead of new Date():

let fps;
let requestTime;

function loop(time) {
    if (requestTime) {
        fps = Math.round(1000/((performance.now() - requestTime)));

    requestTime = time;
    window.requestAnimationFrame((timeRes) => loop(timeRes));

window.requestAnimationFrame((timeRes) => loop(timeRes));

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