To create a reusable code that doesn't need to add a call to pytest
at the end of every python file with tests. You can create a py_test
rule to call a wrapper / runner of pytest
and keeping all arguments. Then create a macro around the py_test. I explain the detailed solution in Experimentations on Bazel: Python (3), linter & pytest, with link to source code.
Create the python tool (wrap the call to pytest, or only pylint) in tools/pytest/
import sys
import pytest
# if using 'bazel test ...'
if __name__ == "__main__":
Create the macro in tools/pytest/defs.bzl
"""Wrap pytest"""
load("@rules_python//python:defs.bzl", "py_test")
load("@my_python_deps//:requirements.bzl", "requirement")
def pytest_test(name, srcs, deps = [], args = [], data = [], **kwargs):
Call pytest
name = name,
srcs = [
] + srcs,
main = "//tools/",
args = [
"--pylint-rcfile=$(location //tools/pytest:.pylintrc)",
# "--mypy",
] + args + ["$(location :%s)" % x for x in srcs],
python_version = "PY3",
srcs_version = "PY3",
deps = deps + [
# requirement("pytest-mypy"),
data = [
] + data,
expose some resources from tools/pytest/BUILD.bazel
Call it from your package BUILD.bazel
load("//tools/pytest:defs.bzl", "pytest_test")
name = "test",
srcs = glob(["*.py"]),
deps = [
then calling bazel test //...
means that pylint
, pytest
and black
are all part of the test flow.