I want to smooth a medical image using a butterworth filter, the data is very noisy and I want to reduce this. I am using Python v3.7. The image data is stored in a 2D np.array, which I transformed to the frequency domain using scipy. I don't know what step is next to be able to apply a butterworth filter

#%% butterworth filter
import scipy.fftpack
import scipy.signal
normal_scan=scan_spect # I have already loaded and preprocessed the data 

N=10 #order/power of the filter

Wn=0.6 #critical frequency

B, A=scipy.signal.butter(10,0.6, output='ba' )

smoothed_data=scipy.signal.filtfilt(B, A, freq_scan)

What format does my data have to be in to be able to apply the butterworth filter? And which parameters do I use.

1 Answer 1


This is my approach I don't know if it clears enough noise for you . I am also suggesting to make the order 4

def butterLow(cutoff, critical, order):
    normal_cutoff = float(cutoff) / critical
    b, a = signal.butter(order, normal_cutoff, btype='lowpass')
    return b, a

def butterFilter(data, cutoff_freq, nyq_freq, order):
    b, a = butterLow(cutoff_freq, nyq_freq, order)
    y = signal.filtfilt(b, a, data)
    return y

cutoff_frequency = some value
sample_rate = maximum value in your array *2 +1

y = butterFilter(x, cutoff_frequency, sample_rate/2)

This will give you the low pass butterworth if you want the high pass output:


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