I have a fairly simple Cucumber test framework with a feature file, a step definitions file, and a test runner class that looks like this:

@CucumberOptions(features = "src/test/java/com/tests/cucumber/features/ui/ExampleTest.feature", 
                 glue = { "com.tests.cucumber.stepdefinitions" },
public class ExampleTestRunner {


This runs a scenario in the feature file just fine. Now I want to add a Before and After hook to do some setup and teardown, but I can't for the like of me get the hooks to run. I've tried adding the hooks to the ExampleTestRunner and to the StepDefinition class, but they never run. Where should I put these hooks? At the moment, the hooks just look like this, but I'll add content to them once I've worked this out!

package com.tests.cucumber.stepdefinitions;

import cucumber.api.java.After;
import cucumber.api.java.Before;

public class StepDefinitions {

    public void before() {
        System.out.println("starting before()");

Thanks for any help.

  • 1
    It should work when the hooks are placed in the step definition or any class inside the packages mentioned in the glue value. Are u sure u are importing the cucumber before annotation and not the junit one? Oct 20, 2019 at 15:54
  • I have added the StepDefinitions class to the question. As far as I know, it's importing the correct annotation, but I'm still learning!
    – user304582
    Oct 20, 2019 at 16:09

2 Answers 2


I am a little hesitant to answer this question even though I managed to get this to work. As far as I can tell, the problem was that I had added the Before and After methods in classes that were extended by other classes. In this situation, the tests would not run. I had to add the Before and After methods to a class that was not extended.

It feels like this is similar to the situation in which if you specify a step definition in a class that is extended by another class, then the step definition is considered to have a duplicate definition. Do I have the correct diagnosis here?


I use like this;

Runner Class:


    features = {"src\\test\\features\\ui_features"},
    glue = {"com\\base\\tm\\auto_reg\\tests\\ui_tests\\price_features"},
    plugin = {"com.cucumber.listener.ExtentCucumberFormatter:"}

public class PriceFeatureRunner {
public static void setup() {

public static void teardown() {



public class RunnerUtil {
public static void setup(Class<?> clazz) {
    String reportPath = "target/cucumber-reports/" + clazz.getSimpleName().split("_")[0] + "_report.html";

    ExtentProperties extentProperties = ExtentProperties.INSTANCE;


public static void teardown() {
    UiHooks uiHooks = new UiHooks();


public class UiHooks implements HookHelper {

public static final String BASE_URL = "https://www.stackoverfow.com/";

private Scenario scenario;

public void beforeScenario(Scenario scenario) {
    this.scenario = scenario;


public void afterScenario() {

   if (HookUtil.driver != null) {
    if (HookUtil.seleniumBase != null) {


public void afterTest() {
   if (HookUtil.driver != null) {
    if (HookUtil.seleniumBase != null) {



public interface HookHelper {

void beforeScenario(Scenario scenario);

void afterScenario();

void afterTest();

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