I try to integrate Java application with Bartender Seagull ActiveX interface using jacob 1.19 library. I have a problem with print method because I do not know how to call this method from jacob. I tried following code:

public void print( String printJobName, Boolean waitForSpoolJobToComplete, Integer timeoutMs )
     Variant args[] = new Variant[ 4 ];
     args[ 0 ] = new Variant( printJobName );
     args[ 1 ] = new Variant( waitForSpoolJobToComplete );
     args[ 2 ] = new Variant( timeoutMs );
     args[ 3 ] = new Variant();
     args[ 3 ].putNoParam();
     Variant ret = format.invoke( "Print", args );

where format is a .com.jacob.activeX.ActiveXComponent instance and I get exception:

A COM exception has been encountered: At Invoke of: Print Description: 80020005 / Type mismatch.

I think that Messages argument causes this exception. How to pass this argument?

  • Messages is a class under BarTender BarTender.Messages, I am not familiar with jacob but little understanding from your code you need to find a way to get class Messages under Bartender
    – Raynoceros
    Oct 23, 2019 at 3:32
  • Is it possible to use jacob retrieve Messages Object BarTender.Messages?
    – Raynoceros
    Oct 23, 2019 at 3:38
  • I think that better idea is to retrieve Messages Collection Object. I tried to retrieve it but I failed. I do not know how to do it.
    – Mariusz
    Oct 23, 2019 at 6:18
  • You have something like ActiveXComponent comp=ActiveXComponent.createNewInstance("BarTender.Application"); right? Can get Messages Collection from comp?
    – Raynoceros
    Oct 23, 2019 at 7:08
  • I have 'ActiveXComponent comp = new ActiveXComponent( "BarTender.Application" );'. It is Application Object and I do not know how to get Messages Collection Object from it. I can get/set properties and call methods but there is no any method which returns Messages Object.
    – Mariusz
    Oct 23, 2019 at 13:31

1 Answer 1


Not 100% sure of the code as I didn't try the following code. If any Java errors happens, do correct me.

Did a few reading in Help Seagull:

1. Declare BarTender Variables

ActiveXComponent btApp = new ActiveXComponent( "BarTender.Application" );

2. Prepare Format.Print function

//Format.Print: Returns an object of btPrnRslt
public boolean print( String printJobName, Boolean waitForSpoolJobToComplete, Integer timeoutMs, Variant btMsgCol )
    Variant args[] = new Variant[ 4 ];
    args[ 0 ] = new Variant( printJobName );
    args[ 1 ] = new Variant( waitForSpoolJobToComplete );
    args[ 2 ] = new Variant( timeoutMs );
    args[ 3 ] = new Variant( btMsgCol ); 

    Variant result = format.invoke( "Print", args );

    //if (btPrnRslt <> btPrnRsltSuccess)
    //    return false;
    //    return true;

3. Test Run

if (myFormat.print(firstJob, true, timeOutMS, btMsgCol))
    //Do something if success
    //Do something not success
  • Thank you for help. Code ActiveXComponent btMsgCol = new ActiveXComponent( "BarTender.Messages" ); throws exception com.jacob.com.ComFailException: Can't get object clsid from progid.
    – Mariusz
    Oct 24, 2019 at 5:54
  • I found here command which shows all COM objects gci HKLM:\Software\Classes -ea 0| ? {$_.PSChildName -match '^\w+\.\w+$' -and (gp "$($_.PSPath)\CLSID" -ea 0)} | ft PSChildName. There is no BarTender.Messages on the list. There are: BarTender.Application, BarTender.Format, BarTender.PreviewHandler, BarTender.PropertyHandler, BarTender.ThumbnailExtension
    – Mariusz
    Oct 24, 2019 at 5:54
  • I am not know ActiveX/COM well but I think that BarTender.Application is some kind of handler to ActiveX application. I have to use BarTender.Application handler and I can get other handlers from it but I can not create instance of any object when I want.
    – Mariusz
    Oct 24, 2019 at 5:58
  • Can you try to use Variant as BarTender.Messages see if .invoke works?
    – Raynoceros
    Oct 24, 2019 at 7:06
  • Variant msgCol; args[ 3 ] = new Variant( msgCol);
    – Raynoceros
    Oct 24, 2019 at 7:07

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