Let's say that I want to find the person that ate the most tacos from a taco eating competition.


df = pd.DataFrame({'tacos':[5,10,7]},index=['John','Carlos','Peter'])

If I have identified the max tacos a person has eaten, then how I could get the name of that person as a string?

maxtacos = df['Tacos'].max()

df.get(df[Name], df['Tacos', maxtacos])

I would like to get "Carlos" as a result.

Thank you

  • 1
    df.loc[df['Tacos'].eq(df['Tacos'].max(), 'Name'].tolist() You can have more than one person...
    – Alexander
    Commented Oct 29, 2019 at 23:58
  • This is returning the complete row with all the columns, instead, I would like to get "Carlos" as a string.
    – iDevPy
    Commented Oct 30, 2019 at 1:56
  • 1
    As I mentioned, you can have more than one person who ate the max number of tacos, e.g. df = pd.DataFrame({'Tacos': [5, 5, 1], 'Name': ['John', 'Harry', 'Bill']}). Note that idxmax only gives you the first name that matches the max value, the method above gives you the list of all names, i.e. df.loc[df['Tacos'].eq(df['Tacos'].max()), 'Name'].tolist() results in ['John', 'Harry'].
    – Alexander
    Commented Oct 30, 2019 at 3:47

1 Answer 1


If I understand correctly, then you should be able to use df.idxmax():

df = pd.DataFrame({'tacos':[5,10,7]},index=['John','Carlos','Peter'])

That will return Carlos in this example.

Now, if you want the value of another column, you could do something like this:

df = pd.DataFrame({'tacos':[5,10,7],'beers':[1,2,3]},index=['John','Carlos','Peter'])

That would tell you that the person who ate the most tacos drank 2 beers.


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