I have been working on a few Node apps, and I've been looking for a good pattern of storing deployment-related settings. In the Django world (where I come from), the common practise would be to have a settings.py file containing the standard settings (timezone, etc), and then a local_settings.py for deployment specific settings, ie. what database to talk to, what memcache socket, e-mail address for the admins and so on.

I have been looking for similar patterns for Node. Just a config file would be nice, so it does not have to be jammed in with everything else in app.js, but I find it important to have a way to have server-specific configuration in a file that is not in source control. The same app could well be deployed across different servers with wildly different settings, and having to deal with merge conflicts and all that is not my idea of fun.

So is there some kind of framework/tool for this, or does everyone just hack something together themselves?

  • i really like the way the configuration is done in mean.js. basically, they store app relevant config in a seperat sort of module, based on different settings per app environment (for production, development, testing) and passing specific details through app environment variables, like secrets etc.
    – Hinrich
    Commented Jan 30, 2015 at 9:39

30 Answers 30


I use a package.json for my packages and a config.js for my configuration, which looks like:

var config = {};

config.twitter = {};
config.redis = {};
config.web = {};

config.default_stuff =  ['red','green','blue','apple','yellow','orange','politics'];
config.twitter.user_name = process.env.TWITTER_USER || 'username';
config.twitter.password=  process.env.TWITTER_PASSWORD || 'password';
config.redis.uri = process.env.DUOSTACK_DB_REDIS;
config.redis.host = 'hostname';
config.redis.port = 6379;
config.web.port = process.env.WEB_PORT || 9980;

module.exports = config;

I load the config from my project:

var config = require('./config');

and then I can access my things from config.db_host, config.db_port, etc... This lets me either use hardcoded parameters, or parameters stored in environmental variables if I don't want to store passwords in source control.

I also generate a package.json and insert a dependencies section:

"dependencies": {
  "cradle": "0.5.5",
  "jade": "0.10.4",
  "redis": "0.5.11",
  "socket.io": "0.6.16",
  "twitter-node": "0.0.2",
  "express": "2.2.0"

When I clone the project to my local machine, I run npm install to install the packages. More info on that here.

The project is stored in GitHub, with remotes added for my production server.

  • 41
    what happens when you have different config settings for dev vs. prod?
    – chovy
    Commented Sep 20, 2012 at 6:28
  • 4
    I haven't but here's one way to do it.. for each env, set the env name in an ENV variable. Then in this file, its just javascript.. use a case or if statement to selectively load the appropriate variables. You could even make a separate config subfile for each env, and in the if statement, reload the subfile here into a subconfig var, and export that subconfig var to the main config.. All i'm basically trying to say is that its just js, so you can be creative
    – noli
    Commented Sep 21, 2012 at 0:48
  • 5
    what process.env? where does it locate? And how to set it?
    – angry kiwi
    Commented Jan 6, 2013 at 16:03
  • 14
    I was thinking "wow.. i've been looking at node.js for a few hours and my app is already working.. btw, maybe i'll share this random bit of code I came up with"
    – noli
    Commented Jul 15, 2013 at 18:08
  • 3
    Can't you still use environment variables to store those pass words? Isn't that what this line is for: config.twitter.password= process.env.TWITTER_PASSWORD || 'password';
    – DMart
    Commented Oct 28, 2015 at 20:10

You can require JSON files as of Node v0.5.x (referencing this answer)


    "username" : "root",
    "password" : "foot"


var config = require('./config.json');
log_in(config.username, config.password);
  • 57
    Not so impressed with that feature. You could require("./config.js") and you get the ability to add comments to config files which I consider very important, and other bells and whistles. If you config is just properties and no code you loose nothing by require(config.js) with you JSON prefixed by exports.config =
    – teknopaul
    Commented Oct 29, 2013 at 18:01
  • 4
    @teknopaul you're right but there used to be a big discussion going on about the 'correctness' / usability of using dumb vs. smart templating systems that told me: (1) you typically want a declarative / dumb language for templating / options (2) it's a bad idea to reconstruct an "almost-PL" to just do templating (or configuration)—better to re-use your existing real PL with known behaviors. in so far +1 for recycling JS to do user settings; -1 for not going the declarative approach. we've seen some pretty complex config stuff done the declarative way; my gut tells me this is the way to go.
    – flow
    Commented Nov 10, 2013 at 12:33
  • 2
    No intellisense on objects from json files in VScode (end 2017). Fully working intellisense for objects from module.exports. Commented Dec 31, 2017 at 19:13
  • 2
    @PMO1948 you can put it anywhere in your project, it's just a file. If it's deeper in your project, you can write the whole path: require('./path/to/config.json'). If you want a user to edit it, you should switch to using fs.read and fs.write to read and write to the file. Commented Dec 1, 2020 at 22:19
  • 1
    @TinyTimZamboni the problem with require is that tell webpack to pack it unless you put it in a static folder. I would think a hacker could access it. Point being, if web pack, packs it then you can't customize based on the environment dev,qa,stage,preprod, etc.. Commented Jan 21, 2022 at 13:31

Much later, I found a pretty good Node.js module for managing configuration: nconf.

A simple example:

var nconf = require('nconf');

// First consider commandline arguments and environment variables, respectively.

// Then load configuration from a designated file.
nconf.file({ file: 'config.json' });

// Provide default values for settings not provided above.
    'http': {
        'port': 1337

// Once this is in place, you can just use nconf.get to get your settings.
// So this would configure `myApp` to listen on port 1337 if the port
// has not been overridden by any of the three configuration inputs
// mentioned above.

It also supports storing settings in Redis, writing configuration files, and has a fairly solid API, and is also backed by one of the more well-respected Node.js shops, Nodejitsu, as part of the Flatiron framework initiative, so it should be fairly future-proof.

Check out nconf at Github.

  • 3
    Maybe a dumb question but I haven't seen a clear explaination: Where do I set node environment variables? I am already using nconf but it's not clear where I would set environmental variables. Is it in nginx/apache? Is it another config file?
    – Civilian
    Commented Feb 12, 2013 at 23:42
  • 102
    I don't think use .json file as config is a good idea, since comments are not allowed.
    – Frank Xu
    Commented Apr 11, 2013 at 9:03
  • 12
    This looks great. I think you'll surprise a lot of Unixheads if the config file overrides command-line options and environment variables. We're used to the following order of ascending precedence: config file(s), environment variables, command-line options.
    – sheldonh
    Commented Apr 14, 2013 at 10:32
  • 2
    @sheldonh Wait until you find out that boolean options are always set on argv, therefore breaking precedence... :/ Commented May 21, 2013 at 20:33
  • 1
    @sheldonh The order is actually reversed, i.e. nconf uses the first setting it sees (from argv, ENV, config.json, defaults). So the outcome is as Unixheads would expect.
    – Matt
    Commented Sep 5, 2020 at 1:05

My solution is fairly simple:

Load the environment config in ./config/index.js

var env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'
  , cfg = require('./config.'+env);

module.exports = cfg;

Define some defaults in ./config/config.global.js

var config = module.exports = {};

config.env = 'development';
config.hostname = 'dev.example.com';

//mongo database
config.mongo = {};
config.mongo.uri = process.env.MONGO_URI || 'localhost';
config.mongo.db = 'example_dev';

Override the defaults in ./config/config.test.js

var config = require('./config.global');

config.env = 'test';
config.hostname = 'test.example';
config.mongo.db = 'example_test';

module.exports = config;

Using it in ./models/user.js:

var mongoose = require('mongoose')
, cfg = require('../config')
, db = mongoose.createConnection(cfg.mongo.uri, cfg.mongo.db);

Running your app in test environment:

NODE_ENV=test node ./app.js
  • 2
    I prefer this one. As mentioned by others JSON is not a preferred storage structure and this layering with globals is simple & effective Commented Jun 9, 2014 at 19:50
  • The only reason i would prefer this over nconf is because it allows .js format for config (dev, test and prod) files. allowing us to document each config option which otherwise is not possible with JSON format. Commented Apr 20, 2015 at 10:18
  • BTW, NODE_ENV defaults to 'development'. You should check for 'production' instead. Commented May 4, 2015 at 3:58
  • 6
    I'm not checking for development. I'm defaulting to it. Not sure why I would ever default to production.
    – chovy
    Commented Feb 17, 2016 at 19:23
  • This is the simplest solution. If you deploy your node app to Azure App Service, you can set the process' environment variable in the app service's configuration setting, see learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/configure-common Commented Aug 10, 2021 at 4:14

You might also look to dotenv which follows the tenets of a twelve-factor app.

I used to use node-config, but created dotenv for that reason. It was completely inspired by ruby's dotenv library.

Usage is quite easy:

var dotenv = require('dotenv');

Then you just create a .env file and put your settings in there like so:


That's dotenv for nodejs.

  • 2
    Or just use foreman run node xx.js this will automatically read in your .env file too.
    – Simon
    Commented May 4, 2014 at 13:04
  • 1
    would I use this approach for production also ?
    – Lamour
    Commented Jul 3, 2016 at 15:15
  • 1
    @lamar no, you set them in the env variables on the actual server. That was each time you deploy they are there but not in the source code. Commented Aug 10, 2016 at 14:34
  • @Lamar yes you can actually, as a more portable alternative to setting env variables on the server. The important point is to not include the .env file in your version control or deployment process.
    – Josh Noe
    Commented Oct 10, 2017 at 19:19

Are you guys using npm to start your scripts (env etc) ?

If you use .env files you can include them in your package.json and use npm to source/start them.


  "name": "server",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "private": true,
  "scripts": {
    "start": "node test.js",
    "start-dev": "source dev.env; node test.js",
    "start-prod": "source prod.env; node test.js"
  "dependencies": {
    "mysql": "*"

then run the npm scripts:

$ npm start-dev

Its described here https://gist.github.com/ericelliott/4152984 All credit to Eric Elliot

  • 2
    Can you explain what "source" is? I get source : not found Commented Apr 24, 2017 at 10:39
  • @JohnnyBizzle source (or simply, .) is a built-in command in Unix shells (Bash, etc.) to read and execute commands from the given file, in the current shell. That is, the commands are not executed in a sub-shell. The effect of that in this example is that the environment variables defined in prod.env are added to the current shell and hence, passed to any child process spawned by this shell. You seem to be using Windows CMD. See this question for more details.
    – Utku
    Commented Dec 25, 2017 at 7:15
  • Worth noting - 12 factor app recommends not creating dev.env and prod.env, but having a single .env file per deploy.
    – Iiridayn
    Commented May 1, 2018 at 16:34

You might also look to node-config which loads configuration file depending on $HOST and $NODE_ENV variable (a little bit like RoR) : documentation.

This can be quite useful for different deployment settings (development, test or production).


Just do a simple settings.js with exports:

exports.my_password = 'value'

Then, in your script, do a require:

var settings = require('./settings.js');

All your settings now will be availabe via settings variable:

settings.my_password // 'value'
  • @backdesk of course you could set up a secret storage system which would encrypt secrets and limit access using ip, some tokens, etc. But in the end of the day it all comes to just reading some files from the disk, be it encrypted or not.
    – Vanuan
    Commented Nov 24, 2016 at 5:06
  • @backdesk There is no problem with the example. Is just that: an example for explaining something concrete. Commented Nov 24, 2016 at 14:02

Convict is another option that adds a schema for validation. Like nconf, it supports loading settings from any combination of environment variables, arguments, files, and json objects.

Example from the README:

var convict = require('convict');
var conf = convict({
  env: {
    doc: "The applicaton environment.",
    format: ["production", "development", "test"],
    default: "development",
    env: "NODE_ENV"
  ip: {
    doc: "The IP address to bind.",
    format: "ipaddress",
    default: "",
    env: "IP_ADDRESS",
  port: {
    doc: "The port to bind.",
    format: "port",
    default: 0,
    env: "PORT"

Getting started article: Taming Configurations with node-convict


I'm going to throw my hat into the ring here because none of these answers address all the critical components that pretty much any system needs. Considerations:

  • Public configuration (that can be seen by the frontend) vs private configuration (guy mograbi got this one right). And ensuring these are kept separate.
  • Secrets like keys
  • Defaults vs environment-specific overrides
  • Frontend bundles

Here's how I do my configuration:

  • config.default.private.js - In version control, these are default configuration options that can only be seen by your backend.
  • config.default.public.js - In version control, these are default configuration options that can be seen by backend and frontend
  • config.dev.private.js - If you need different private defaults for dev.
  • config.dev.public.js - If you need different public defaults for dev.
  • config.private.js - Not in version control, these are environment specific options that override config.default.private.js
  • config.public.js - Not in version control, these are environment specific options that override config.default.public.js
  • keys/ - A folder where each file stores a different secret of some kind. This is also not under version control (keys should never be under version control).

I use plain-old javascript files for configuration so I have the full power of the javascript langauge (including comments and the ability to do things like load the default config file in the environment-specific file so they can then be overridden). If you want to use environment variables, you can load them inside those config files (tho I recommend against using env vars for the same reason I don't recommend using json files - you don't have the power of a programming language to construct your config).

The reason each key is in a separate file is for installer use. This allows you to have an installer that creates keys on-machine and stores them in the keys folder. Without this, your installer might fail when you load your configuration file that can't access your keys. This way you can traverse the directory and load any key files that are in that folder without having to worry about what exists and what doesn't in any given version of your code.

Since you probably have keys loaded in your private configuration, you definitely don't want to load your private config in any frontend code. While its probably strictly more ideal to completely separate your frontend codebase from your backend, a lot of times that PITA is a big enough barrier to prevent people from doing it, thus private vs public config. But there's two things I do to prevent private config being loaded in the frontend:

  1. I have a unit test that ensures my frontend bundles don't contain one of the secret keys I have in the private config.
  2. I have my frontend code in a different folder than my backend code, and I have two different files named "config.js" - one for each end. For backend, config.js loads the private config, for frontend, it loads the public config. Then you always just require('config') and don't worry about where it comes from.

One last thing: your configuration should be loaded into the browser via a completely separate file than any of your other frontend code. If you bundle your frontend code, the public configuration should be built as a completely separate bundle. Otherwise, your config isn't really config anymore - its just part of your code. Config needs to be able to be different on different machines.

  • I like this answer but I still haven't found anyone who has had my problem. I have an app that uses the Google Calendar API, I am using Travis CI and the tests need to also test the calendar's functionality. To use it, however, I need to have a credentials.json file in my project, this is definitely not in VC. So my question, how do I provide this file to Travis' build process and let it persist to production?
    – Dev Yego
    Commented Sep 30, 2020 at 10:42
  • @DevYego use environment variables, that your ci stores securely.
    – Pieter
    Commented Aug 6, 2022 at 19:55
  • I'd suggest putting any credentials in any format in the keys/ directory I suggested.
    – B T
    Commented Aug 9, 2022 at 18:59

You can use Konfig for environment specific config files. It loads json or yaml config files automatically, it has default value and dynamic configuration features.

An example from Konfig repo:

File: config/app.json
    "default": {
        "port": 3000,
        "cache_assets": true,
        "secret_key": "7EHDWHD9W9UW9FBFB949394BWYFG8WE78F"

    "development": {
        "cache_assets": false

    "test": {
        "port": 3001

    "staging": {
        "port": #{process.env.PORT},
        "secret_key": "3F8RRJR30UHERGUH8UERHGIUERHG3987GH8"

    "production": {
        "port": #{process.env.PORT},
        "secret_key": "3F8RRJR30UHERGUH8UERHGIUERHG3987GH8"

In development:

> config.app.port

In production, assume we start application with $ NODE_ENV=production PORT=4567 node app.js

> config.app.port

More details : https://github.com/vngrs/konfig


I will create a folder as config a file naming as config.js and later I will use this file wherever required as below

Example of config.js

module.exports = {
    proxyURL: 'http://url:port',
    TWITTER: {
        consumerkey: 'yourconsumerkey',
        consumerSecrete: 'yourconsumersecrete'
    GOOGLE: {
        consumerkey: 'yourconsumerkey',
        consumerSecrete: 'yourconsumersecrete'
        consumerkey: 'yourconsumerkey',
        consumerSecrete: 'yourconsumersecrete'

Then if i want to use this config file somewhere

I will first import as below

var config = require('./config');

and I can access the values as below

const oauth = OAuth({
    consumer: {
        key: config.TWITTER.consumerkey,
        secret: config.TWITTER.consumerSecrete
    signature_method: 'HMAC-SHA1',
    hash_function(base_string, key) {
        return crypto.createHmac('sha1', key).update(base_string).digest('base64');

Just use npm module config (more than 300000 downloads)


Node-config organizes hierarchical configurations for your app deployments.

It lets you define a set of default parameters, and extend them for different deployment environments (development, qa, staging, production, etc.).

$ npm install config
$ mkdir config
$ vi config/default.json

      // Customer module configs
      "Customer": {
        "dbConfig": {
          "host": "localhost",
          "port": 5984,
          "dbName": "customers"
        "credit": {
          "initialLimit": 100,
          // Set low for development
          "initialDays": 1

$ vi config/production.json

  "Customer": {
    "dbConfig": {
      "host": "prod-db-server"
    "credit": {
      "initialDays": 30

$ vi index.js

var config = require('config');
var dbConfig = config.get('Customer.dbConfig');
db.connect(dbConfig, ...);

if (config.has('optionalFeature.detail')) {
  var detail = config.get('optionalFeature.detail');

$ export NODE_ENV=production
$ node index.js

A bit late (just 10 year) but I use a config.js structured like this:

const env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development';

var config_temp = {
        port: 3000,
        mysql_host: "localhost",
        logging_level: 5,
        secret_api_key: process.env.SECRET_API_KEY
    development: {
        logging_level: 10
    production: {
        port: 3001,
        mysql_host: "not-localhost"
var config = {
module.exports = config;

and I load the config with:

var config = require('./config');
var port = config.port;

In this way:

  • The reading of the env variable is included in the config.js file so I can avoid this ugliness: require('./config')[process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'].
  • The file config.js can be uploaded in the code 's repo because sensitive variables continue to be handled with process.env.
  • If the same element is contained in both default:{ and custom_env:{ only the second is kept.
  • There are no dedicated folders and multiple files (like in config)
  • In this approach, we have to restart the server every time we change config or add values in config. Is there an approach where we do not have to restart the server? Commented May 5, 2021 at 18:44
  • 1
    @ADITYAKUMAR save to db, load from an api etc. properties are meant to be loaded on startup
    – Amitk
    Commented Nov 30, 2021 at 17:00
  • That would be slow Commented Dec 1, 2021 at 18:07

I know this is a really old post. But I want to share my module for configuring environment variables, I think it is very flexible solution. Here is the module json-configurator

var configJson = {
  'baseUrl': 'http://test.com',
  '$prod_baseUrl': 'https://prod.com',
  'endpoints': {
    'users': '<%= baseUrl %>/users',
    'accounts': '<%= baseUrl %>/accounts'
  foo: 'bar',
  foobar: 'foobar',
  $prod_foo: 'foo in prod',
  $test_foo: 'foo in test',
    veryDeep: {
      publicKey: 'abc',
      secret: 'secret',
      $prod_secret: 'super secret'

var config = require('json-configurator')(configJson, 'prod');

// super secret 

// https://prod.com/users 

Then you can use process.env.NODE_ENV to get all the variables for your environment.


It's better to separate 'development' and 'production' configs.

I use following way: Here is my config/index.js file:

const config = {
    dev : {
        ip_address : '',
        port : 8080,
        mongo :{
            url : "mongodb://localhost:27017/story_box_dev",
            options : ""
    prod : {
        ip_address : '',
        port : 3000,
        mongo :{
            url : "mongodb://localhost:27017/story_box_prod",
            options : ""

For require the config use following:

const config = require('../config')[process.env.NODE_ENV];

Than you can use your config object:

const ip_address = config.ip_address;
const port = config.port;
  • 1
    also you can user module.exports = config; at the end of the config/index.js file
    – mapmath
    Commented Jun 20, 2019 at 5:55

I am a bit late in the game, but I couldn't find what I needed here- or anywhere else - so I wrote something myself.

My requirements for a configuration mechanism are the following:

  1. Support front-end. What is the point if the front-end cannot use the configuration?
  2. Support settings-overrides.js - which looks the same but allows overrides of configuration at settings.js. The idea here is to modify configuration easily without changing the code. I find it useful for saas.

Even though I care less about supporting environments - the will explain how to add it easily to my solution

var publicConfiguration = {
    "title" : "Hello World"
    "demoAuthToken" : undefined, 
    "demoUserId" : undefined, 
    "errorEmail" : null // if null we will not send emails on errors. 


var privateConfiguration = {

var meConf = null;
    meConf = require("../conf/dev/meConf");
}catch( e ) { console.log("meConf does not exist. ignoring.. ")}

var publicConfigurationInitialized = false;
var privateConfigurationInitialized = false;

function getPublicConfiguration(){
    if (!publicConfigurationInitialized) {
        publicConfigurationInitialized = true;
        if (meConf != null) {
            for (var i in publicConfiguration) {
                if (meConf.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
                    publicConfiguration[i] = meConf[i];
    return publicConfiguration;

function getPrivateConfiguration(){
    if ( !privateConfigurationInitialized ) {
        privateConfigurationInitialized = true;

        var pubConf = getPublicConfiguration();

        if ( pubConf != null ){
            for ( var j in pubConf ){
                privateConfiguration[j] = pubConf[j];
        if ( meConf != null ){
              for ( var i in meConf ){
                  privateConfiguration[i] = meConf[i];
    return privateConfiguration;


exports.sendPublicConfiguration = function( req, res ){
    var name = req.param("name") || "conf";

    res.send( "window." + name + " = " + JSON.stringify(getPublicConfiguration()) + ";");

var prConf = getPrivateConfiguration();
if ( prConf != null ){
    for ( var i in prConf ){
        if ( prConf[i] === undefined ){

            throw new Error("undefined configuration [" + i + "]");
        exports[i] = prConf[i];

return exports;


  • undefined means this property is required
  • null means it is optional
  • meConf - currently the code is target to a file under app. meConf is the overrides files which is targeted to conf/dev - which is ignored by my vcs.
  • publicConfiguration - will be visible from front-end and back-end.
  • privateConfiguration - will be visible from back-end only.
  • sendPublicConfiguration - a route that will expose the public configuration and assign it to a global variable. For example the code below will expose the public configuration as global variable myConf in the front-end. By default it will use the global variable name conf.

    app.get("/backend/conf", require("conf").sendPublicConfiguration);

Logic of overrides

  • privateConfiguration is merged with publicConfiguration and then meConf.
  • publicConfiguration checks each key if it has an override, and uses that override. This way we are not exposing anything private.

Adding environment support

Even though I don't find an "environment support" useful, maybe someone will.

To add environment support you need to change the meConf require statement to something like this (pseudocode)

if ( environment == "production" ) { meConf = require("../conf/dev/meConf").production; }

if ( environment == "development" ) { meConf = require("../conf/dev/meConf").development; }

Similarly you can have a file per environment


and import the right one. The rest of the logic stays the same.

  • not terribly obvious that undefined really means 'required' and null means 'optional'. so the yellow bin is for plastics and the blue for scrap paper? fine, but had to read the manual before tossing that litter.
    – flow
    Commented Nov 10, 2013 at 12:37
  • You don't have to use this convention. I find it useful and I instruct my team to use it, but you can obviously remove this feature. Commented Nov 28, 2013 at 19:46

an alt example I just used because I wanted more flexibility than a typical .json file but didn't want it abstracted away into a library which would require a dependency is something like this. Basically, exporting a function invoked immediately which returned an object with values I wanted set. Gives a lot of flexibility.

     module.exports = function(){
         case 'dev':
           { var1 = 'development'};

There is a much better explanation with full example here. Using Config Files in Node.js


Here is a neat approach inspired by this article. It does not require any additional packages except the ubiquitous lodash package. Moreover, it lets you manage nested defaults with environment-specific overwrites.

First, create a config folder in the package root path that looks like this

      |_ index.js
      |_ defaults.json
      |_ development.json
      |_ test.json
      |_ production.json

here is the index.js file

const _ = require("lodash");
const defaults = require("./defaults.json");
const envConf = require("./" + (process.env.NODE_ENV || "development") + ".json" );
module.exports = _.defaultsDeep(envConf, defaults);

Now let's assume we have a defaults.json like so

  "confKey1": "value1",
  "confKey2": {
    "confKey3": "value3",
    "confKey4": "value4"

and development.json like so

  "confKey2": {
    "confKey3": "value10",

if you do config = require('./config') here is what you will get

  "confKey1": "value1",
  "confKey2": {
    "confKey3": "value10",
    "confKey4": "value4"

Notice that you get all the default values except for those defined in environment-specific files. So you can manage a config hierarchy. Using defaultsDeep makes sure that you can even have nested defaults.

npm i config

In config/default.json
    "app": {
        "port": 3000
    "db": {
        "port": 27017,
        "name": "dev_db_name"

In config/production.json
    "app": {
        "port": 4000
    "db": {
        "port": 27000,
        "name": "prod_db_name"

In index.js

const config = require('config');

let appPort = config.get('app.port');
console.log(`Application port: ${appPort}`);

let dbPort = config.get('db.port');
console.log(`Database port: ${dbPort}`);

let dbName = config.get('db.name');
console.log(`Database name: ${dbName}`);

console.log('NODE_ENV: ' + config.util.getEnv('NODE_ENV'));

$ node index.js
Application port: 3000
Database port: 27017
Database name: dev_db_name
NODE_ENV: development

For production
$ set NODE_ENV=production
$ node index.js
Application port: 4000
Database port: 27000
Database name: prod_db_name
NODE_ENV: production
  • And if I want to change database from ENV_VAR as per 12factorapp requirements, how can I do that?
    – holms
    Commented Jul 1, 2021 at 15:39
  • I mean "database port" for example
    – holms
    Commented Jul 1, 2021 at 15:50

In addition to the nconf module mentioned in this answer, and node-config mentioned in this answer, there are also node-iniparser and IniReader, which appear to be simpler .ini configuration file parsers.

  • no way to go back to win-ini files... that iniparser proudly stresses the fact they know how to parse sections in the config ... in 2013 ... if you need deeper nesting do you say [foo/bar]? [foo\bar]? bar.baz=42? bar/baz=42? bar\baz=42? bar:baz=42? how do you tell 42 is a number? it could be an all-digits text!—toss XML, toss YAML, toss WIN.INI, embrace JSON, worries gone.
    – flow
    Commented Nov 10, 2013 at 12:49

I just recently released a small module to load any type of configuration files. It's pretty straight-forward, you can check it at https://github.com/flesler/config-node


You can use pconf: https://www.npmjs.com/package/pconf


var Config = require("pconf");
var testConfig = new Config("testConfig");
testConfig.onload = function(){

  testConfig.setValue("test", 1);
  //testConfig.saveConfig(); Not needed


I used Dotenv-Flow for configuration management.

This is working as expected. It's very often that you have multiple environments like local, dev, staging, and production. Just flow these steps to create your own environments.

1. npm i dotenv-flow.

2. Create files like .env | .env.dev | .env.prod.

For testing purposes copy this content







Now create a test file use these environment variables.


console.log('database host:', process.env.DATABASE_HOST);
console.log('database port:', process.env.DATABASE_PORT);
console.log('database user:', process.env.DATABASE_USER);
console.log('database pass:', process.env.DATABASE_PASS);
console.log('database name:', process.env.DATABASE_NAME);

Now use these commands to run your script.

node -r dotenv-flow/config test.js
node -r dotenv-flow/config test.js --node-env=dev
node -r dotenv-flow/config test.js --node-env=prod

If you create these environment variables files in a specific folder like in my case I have created these files in envs folder then use the below command.

node -r dotenv-flow/config test.js --dotenv-flow-path=./envs
node -r dotenv-flow/config test.js --dotenv-flow-path=./envs --node-env=dev
node -r dotenv-flow/config test.js --dotenv-flow-path=./envs --node-env=prod

For those who are visiting this old thread here is a package I find to be good.



I tryied some of suggested solutions here, but was not sattisfied with them, so I created my own module. It is called mikro-config and the main difference is that it honors convention over configuration, so you can just require the module and start using it.

You store your configuration in either plain js, or json files from /config folder. First it loads default.js file, then all other files from /config directory, then it loads environment specific configuration based on $NODE_ENV variable.

It also allows to override this configuration for local development with local.js or environment specific /config/env/$NODE_ENV.local.js.

You can take at look at it here:




For long, I used to use the approach mentioned in the solution here. There is a concern however, about security of the secrets in clear text. You can use another package on top of config so that the security bits are taken care of.

Check this out: https://www.attosol.com/secure-application-secrets-using-masterkey-in-azure-key-vault/

  • Why should I even subscribe to Azure to pay for this service? Why not using ansible-vault? Another thing: I think no one will post a config file with clear text credentials on source repository. Either use environment variables or put it your secret data on a file with read only permission. Commented Jul 31, 2017 at 18:11
  • If you can read it from some 3rd party location and decode it and have your service use that top secret data, it's going to be possible for a hacker to do exactly the same if they gain access to your computer. It's more work (takes longer) but in the end it does not protect you. If your server is penetrated, imagine that anything you have on it is now public. Commented Feb 3, 2019 at 2:18

How we do it with TypeScript.

export const loadConfig = () => {
    const configLoadeded = configLoader.util.toObject() as any
    Config = configLoadeded

export interface ConfigI {
    productName: string;
    productId: string;
    googleCloudApiKey: string;

These days, when working with databases it is the easiest not to deal with configuration files at all, because deployment environments are easier to set up with just a single environment variable, call it DB_CONNECTION, for example, and pass it any additional configuration data as required.

configuration data example:

const config = {
    userIds: [1, 2, 3],
    serviceLimit: 100,
    // etc., configuration data of any complexity    
// or you can read it from a config file

Create a connection string, with extra parameters that the database driver doesn't care about:

import {ConnectionString} from 'connection-string';

const cs = new ConnectionString('postgres://localhost@dbname', {
    user: 'user-name',
    password: 'my-password',
    params: {
    }  ​

Then we can generate the resulting string for storing it in the environment:


So you store this in your environment, let's say, DB_CONNECTION, and within the client process you can just read it via process.env.DB_CONNECTION:

const cs = new ConnectionString(process.env.DB_CONNECTION);

const config = JSON.parse(cs.params?.config); // parse extra configuration
//=> { userIds: [ 1, 2, 3 ], serviceLimit: 100 }

This way you will have both the connection, and all the extra configuration needed, all within a single environment variable, no need messing with configuration files.


Try with properties-gen https://www.npmjs.com/package/properties-gen

Pretty similar to node-config which loads a configuration base file and extends it with an ext file depending on the environment you set, but this is a cli that runs on demand and is fully configurable.

npx properties-gen init

To create the cli configuration, then install it in your project

npm install properties-gen --save-dev

Define your configuration files (base and extensions) and run the generate command before build process or before starting dev server in your project.

  "name": "myApp",
  "scripts": {
    "config": "properties-gen generate",
    "dev": "npm run config && next dev",
    "build": "npm run config && next build",
    "start": "next start"

One cool thing is you can define multiple configuration groups, in case you need to generate multiple outputs for example a client and server specific files.

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