My question: How do I set a module path for gradle build
I've become comfortable working with Java modules from the command line. I do a frequent exercise in Powershell which results in these source files.
│ │
│ │
│ └───appPack
module appMod {
requires greetMod;
package appPack;
import greetPack.Hello;
public class Entry {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(new Hello().sayHello());
module greetMod {
exports greetPack;
package greetPack;
public class Hello {
public String sayHello() {
return "Greetings from Hello class!";
Since the appMod module requires greetMod, I compile and jar greetMod first.
javac -d out/greetMod src/greetMod/ src/greetMod/greetPack/;
jar cf lib/greetJar.jar -C out/greetMod .;
Then I compile and jar appMod, but as I do so I specify the module path (-p) where the new greetMod jar (greetJar) can be found (in lib).
javac -d out/appMod -p lib src/appMod/ src/appMod/appPack/;
jar cfe lib/appJar.jar appPack.Entry -C out/appMod .;
I can then run this or jlink it in part by adding a module path.
java -p lib -m appMod;
jlink -p lib --add-modules appMod --launcher launch=appMod --output dist;
I now want to do this same exercise in Gradle, but I can't figure out how to do the equivalent of setting a module path such as -p lib
. I've seen code for sourceSets, and countless variations of dependencies, but so far I haven't been able to put together something that works. I've also read conflicting statements that both say that Gradle doesn't fully support Java modules, and that Gradle does support them.