Why am I getting an error:


# ~> no block given (yield)


module M
  def hello(text = 'bba')
    puts "yo-#{text}"      # => nil
  end                      # => :hello

  instance_methods  # => [:hello]

  m = instance_method(:hello)  # => #<UnboundMethod: M#hello>

  define_method(:bye) do |*args, &block|  
    yield                                 # ~> LocalJumpError: no block given (yield)
    m.bind(self).(*args, &block)
  end                                     # => :bye

end  # => :bye

class A
  include M  # => A
end          # => A

A.new.hello('vv')       # => nil
A.new.bye('zz') do |p|  # => #<A:0x00007fa8c401e090>
  puts "ggg"

# >> yo-vv

# ~> LocalJumpError
# ~> no block given (yield)

1 Answer 1


It's the difference in the semantics of def and define_method. See this:

module M
  def outer(&block)
    puts "outer: #{yield}"

    def inner1
      puts "inner1: #{yield}"

    M.define_method(:inner2) do
      puts "inner2: #{yield}"

    M.define_method(:inner3) do |&block|
      puts "inner3: #{block.call}"

    inner1 { 1 }
    inner2 { 2 }
    inner3 { 3 }

class A
  include M

A.new.outer { 0 }
# => outer: 0
#    inner1: 1
#    inner2: 0 (!!!)
#    inner3: 3

yield only works inside def.

Thus, inner1 calls its own block; but inner2 uses the block of the def it is in. The correct way to invoke the block inside define_method is to capture it in the parameter list (as you did), and then use #call or #[] on it, like inner3 demonstrates.

In your code, there is no def around, thus no block is available when you yield. You can use the above method, and replace yield with block.call.

  • I'm wondering if this is a more general feature of passing a block to another block. If you pass a block as an argument to a block, do you have to pass it as a Proc?
    – BobRodes
    Nov 8, 2019 at 5:29
  • @BobRodes You can't call a block. You can call a method, or a Proc. You can only pass a block in a method call, since a method call explicitly supports a block syntax: foo { ... }. You cannot pass a block in a Proc call, because a Proc call does not have a special syntax, but uses a method call to do it — and #call and #[] do not accept a block.
    – Amadan
    Nov 8, 2019 at 5:35
  • Right, I realize you can't call a block, and I saw the reason why the OP was getting the error was that, because of the semantics of define_method, he was trying to pass a block to a block instead of a method definition. So, I'm asking whether if you have block1, and want to pass it to block2, the way to do it is wrap block1 in a Proc object first (by using &whatever in block2's parameter list) and then call it from block2 rather than using yield. In other words, is this a more general principle of which the OP's code is an example?
    – BobRodes
    Nov 8, 2019 at 5:46
  • @BobRodes Again, I don't quite understand what you are asking, since "block" is not something you can have in a variable. If block1 and block2 are both Proc, then block1[block2] (or block1.call(block2)) works if block2 accepts |block|, and block1[&block2]` works if block2 accepts |&block|. However, this works: class A; def m; puts "[#{yield}]"; end end; A.new.method(:m).to_proc.call { 4 }. So you can call a Proc with a block (and have it yield) — as long as it was originally defined with def.
    – Amadan
    Nov 8, 2019 at 5:56
  • why does yield work in this example? stackoverflow.com/questions/5513558/… Nov 8, 2019 at 14:08

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